Saturday, December 24, 2005

It's Me!

Lately, I've been thinking of changing a few things up, about myself. Well, this afternoon, I took the plunge!

Most people who know me have never seen me like this.

"I've seen you without a beard!" Sure, you have... but wait... there's something else...

That's right! For the first time in over 10 years I have shaved off my sideburns!

What do ya think? I like it!


At 12/24/2005 10:37 p.m., Blogger Jen said...

you look 10 years younger J!

At 12/29/2005 12:29 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

It's amazing how trimming a bit of hair can cause one to travel back in time!

So, here's me... age 16. LOL


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