Thursday, September 23, 2004

When's the right time to move forward?

You ever seemingly have so many choices to make at one time. Some you know you should move ahead on; others you know should wait on; yet, endlessly more you have no idea which way to turn.

It seems the most confusing choice in life has to do with Love. I thought I had it all figured out almost 4 years ago; but, here I am, just as single as I was on my 12th birthday (a lot more than 4 yrs ago :-D). I have a strong belief in what I hear from God - I wouldn't call myself an oracle or a prophet (yet), but I've heard quite right many times... except when it comes to love - or so it seems.
I think I'm sitting in the right place right now, as hard as it is. It's kind of fun being single again, tho. I'm finding that old feeling again - feeling quite confident and comfortable in who I am. When there isn't that special lady at your side all of the time, you get to know yourself pretty good. I'm also reading some good books....
I always recommend some good deep study of the Good Book. You'll find all of life's answers there - and I do mean all. If you're not satisfied, look harder... study harder... open your mind and heart to the One who can teach your heart how to live. Every other book only adds revelation to what we learn from this great Word.
One of these other books that I am currently forging thru is Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. A must read for anyone interested in growing in their own self-awareness, and working toward becoming the best person you can.

So, back to wondering when to move ahead - especially with this Love thing. There is this lovely woman I am interested in. I've known her for quite a while, and know her quite well, but she's a little cool toward me. I know I could crack thru that shell w. just a little persistence, and my charming whit (did I mention that I'm hott, to boot! :-D). But, one of the greatest Songs ever written has a line that says not to arouse love before her time. I could really see things going all the way with this fair maiden, so I don't really want to get things rolling before we're both ready.
I'm inclined to wait... be my irresistible self, and wait for her to make the move. I know it will come, but I may be waiting a while. In the mean time, do I keep an eye out for the other "Miss Right", if indeed she does exist; or, do I keep it cool and just bide my time for this fish?

As the rest of life goes on, I seem to seek God about other things... I've not inquired of Him about my love life in a while. It seems the last time I did that, He told me one thing... didn't tell her anything, then told us two different things at the same time. I'm not saying He's vindictive and likes to see us frustrated, nor am I saying we misheard. What I do know is that He knows the end of time right from the beginning - He's got everything figured out, and I'm just stuck in this very finite time and space. No matter how much I think I've got life figured out - He's always vastly more right than I.

So, here I go... along in life. I'm actually quite used to not knowing anymore. It's fun, frustrating, curious, and hopeful. Life is Good - I'm sure of it.


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