Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Time... again

I can't believe how fast time seems to be flying by. I'm not sure if it's because I've been out of town so much, or that I'm closing on a house in a week, or maybe it's because I'm going on vacation soon... maybe the wedding at the end of summer? There just seems to be so much coming so fast. But, it's manageable. For the most part, I am being proactive; trying not to just react to everything that's happening. I always try to make things happen for me, before they happen to me. That's not always the case, but it's something I try to shoot for.

It seems the philosophizing part of my brain has gone to sleep. Or, more just the part that gets thoughts from my mind to the page coherently. I have these great thoughts about God's Fire, and I've tried to convey the meaning of what I've seen and heard on the page; but, they just don't come out the way they did when I was speaking them through on the weekend. Maybe I just need to verbalize them out loud again....
It's not crazy to talk to yourself. OK, well maybe it is a bit coo-coo; but, almost all of the "Masters" of the past spoke to themselves regularly. I think it helps solidify the thoughts in our heads.

Anyway... babble on everyone!


At 6/23/2005 3:39 p.m., Blogger Nietzsche's Girl said...

Send me your email address, I'll mail you a fun surprise

At 6/23/2005 6:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I distinctly remember your mom telling me that when you speak to yourself, it means you're getting you feel old, Jason?

the other JM

At 6/24/2005 6:33 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Do I feel old?
I don't know, J, do you?
Well, I did feel old a couple of years ago... so, I guess I must be old, since I'm even older than I was then - even if I don't feel old now.
Well, then I guess you're old. It's OK to talk to yourself.
Good! Thanks, J, for clearing that up for me!
No prob, J!

At 6/24/2005 4:23 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

The other JM!,
I believe that there's a child inside me that I "SHOULD" talk to him from time to time;but I never feel old.

At 6/24/2005 4:27 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Oh, the irony!


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