Saturday, September 25, 2004

Making an old thing new

I'm sitting here listening to Bon Jovi's "This Left Feels Right" album, where they've given a new sound some of the best songs they've done over the years. Most of them are great - I love the recreativity.

It reminds me of something Jesus said to some people who asked him why He and His dudes weren't doing things the same way the other religious ppl of the time. His response was, "You don't pour new wine into an old wineskin..."
Basically, He was saying that He's taking the old way of doing things, and making it new. You can't do the new thing in the old system, or both will suffer - or be destroyed.... basically, they can't coexist, the old and new are incompatible. It's not so incompatible, tho, that there can't be any interaction... you can keep a new wineskin on the same shelf as an old one.
It's like Bon Jovi - they don't have to stick w. this new sound for ever now. They can keep the "Left" album on the shelf w. the others.
You can have the new expression in the same city, area as the old one... but, they won't be able to be expressed at the same time and place.

I find that a lot w. church. I go to a church that is pretty different from others, in some ways. But, I'm still an odd one there. I keep most of my 'theologies' to myself there. There are only a couple of friends from church that I share some of these 'extreme' thoughts w. It' s not time to discuss the fact that Time may not exist, or that I'm not sure if "unsaved people" are going to hell. Tho, topics like that definitely make for some great discussion w. open-minded people. Most ppl just shut down to ideas that challenge the current 'reality'.
Living life w. an attitude of "what if" is great - especially, if you can ask, "what if I'm wrong?" That's got to be one of the toughest questions for most ppl in NA to ask - we seem to think we've got it all figured out. But, there's so much to life, we'll likely never understand it all. I have begun moving ahead of life trying to find Truth, and seeing that things I was sure were true, were in fact not complete, or even completely wrong!
Listen to God more, I'm sure you'll find the same. When we shut-up long enough to actually listen (to anyone!) it's amazing what you can learn. It's OK to be lead, we really don't have to figure it all out on our own.

Dang! Wish I could keep typing, but I've got to head out.

I'll be back, and hopefully jump back on this train of thought.


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