Thursday, August 25, 2005

So long!

As I ponder the twighlight of single life, I think of many songs - I do that a lot. Many times in life, I like to compare my circumstances to songs or movies or books I've read. I don't know if it 's just a neat quirk I have, or if I am trying to feel included in something bigger than myself. Either way, here are a few of the songs:

Elton John's Candle In The Wind
Billy Joel's Good-bye Hollywood
Billy Joel's These Are The Days
Bryan Adams' Summer of '69

The best thing tho, is not that I'm saying good-bye to the Single Life; but, that I'm moving forward into a new life a life that is not just my own. This is the 'something bigger than myself' that is really making me included!

In two days, WE will be One!


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