Thursday, November 09, 2006


I think it's good to be restless - at least a bit. It means that you're not content with where you're at. You're not stuck in a rut, unaware that life is happening around you.

I see life happening around me - in fact, in a lot of areas of my life, I'm making life happen. It's quite exciting. But... There's a place that I've called home for a while that has gotten stuck in a rut. It used to be a place that was cutting edge - we were a group of friends treading into the unknown, willing to risk. Well, it's not like that anymore - at least I don't see it. I know there's a time coming where the very foundations of this house that I'm referring to will be shaken - I think people will be quite surprised at how it all comes around. There's always a price to pay for complacency. I know...

So, restlessness. It's good. I think all of our feelings/emotions have an important roll in our lives - we just have to learn to listen to them, yet keep them in line. We can't let them control us; but, they can't/shouldn't be ignored, either.

I want to write more, but the words just aren't coming. I'm a bit distracted, too, so that's not helping. More to come, I'm sure!



At 11/09/2006 10:27 p.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

i too appreciate the purpose of restlessness, and am always fighting/giving into it... some days it's a good thing, some days it's bad. i need to learn to be content, but we always (like you said) need to beware of complacency. thanks for the thoughts! em.


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