Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm Bloggin' Free!

I have found out over the last week or so that there are a lot more people I know that read my blog than I originally thought. Sometimes, when I think about that I start getting 'censored' thoughts: "...can't let too many people in."

But, Blog it!

Do you remember the Smurfs? Those little blue things that would have a Smurfin' good time where ever they went. They'd just Smurf around, doing nothing; getting chased by that Smurfin' wizard Gargamell. I loved how every time they wanted to cuss, they just substituted the word "Smurf". Yep - they were smart little Smurfs. Gettin' away with cussing on Saturday Smurfin' morning!

Anyway, since this is a blog, I'm going to use that word instead!

Aw... fuck it! That's just stupid.

So, I am now unemployed. I left work in class - I think I broke a 11 year sales record today. I can now afford to sit on my ass for a couple months, enjoying my new freedom of self-employment. Actually, I doubt I'll just sit. I have much to do. I think I've mentioned only a few times that I enjoy keeping fish. I have a fishroom to finish! I have a bigass tank to set up! Oh, I'm going to enjoy the next few weeks, that's for sure!


Bloggin Free...

Are any of us really free? I've been pondering on a number of blogs written by people at The Canopy. I, and I think we all are to at least some degree, am a slave to poor thought-choices. There were 2 years in recent memory that I would say I was mentally healthy - I had conscious control of my thoughts. When a lie would try to surface, or some thought other than what leads to life came up, I'd stop it right where it started.
But, how many of us do that. I'll be that out of all of the people who read this, there may be one who does consciously control their thoughts. Most of us are slaves to random thoughts that keep us bound. We become what we think about, right? If we have thoughts of malice, jealousy and slander, guess what? We become malicious, jealous gossipers. Now, before you point your finger and say, "Maybe you, but not me," let your conscience judge you. Be honest.

I'm hoping that during this time of freedom, I'll be able to gain peace of mind again. I hope to have the discipline to gain control once again. I want to be that kind of influence once more.


At 9/13/2006 7:38 a.m., Blogger .a. said...

Hey Jason,
I'll miss you, you're like the last original person I knew at the paper you know?
I feel like that place is going through some real transitions...and I' don't think I'll be there past the Nov/Dec. issue...(our D-day is going to be Nov. 15th) anyways, all the best as you start your self employment (it is fun) say hi to your wife for me ... (btw, Cause Canada backed out on their ads, they wouldn't sign the confirmation till they saw a proof, so I busted my bun and they still said no...I said roar but got over it, just thought you'd like to know,,,or not...but I told you anyways!)
Take CAre,

At 9/13/2006 9:27 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

(btw, Cause Canada backed out on their ads, they wouldn't sign the confirmation till they saw a proof, so I busted my bun and they still said no...I said roar but got over it, just thought you'd like to know,,,or not...but I told you anyways!)

Those SMURFS! There goes my record-breaking day....

A. I will miss you, too. I totally agree with you about how the staffing in going - that's probably a big reason why I'm gonzo. If you're around, talk to Perry often - he's a cool old guy. Tab's pretty cool, too!

So, Nov. 15, eh. You heading Stateside come hell or high water? Or, just moving on to something new? I pray the best for you and J... By even trying to follow your dreams, you two are inspiring! Here's to the Sweet Everafter!

BTW, do you have a blog? I can't get to it from your profile.

At 9/13/2006 11:54 a.m., Blogger Darren said...

i think you are well on your way J, in finding and achieving all those dreams you have, and that have been promised...


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