Monday, August 14, 2006

Life's A Changin'

I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. Though, I don't really feel any different, emotionally - I don't have any anxiety, trepidation or fear; I am going to be taking my financial life into my own hands... I'm going to start working for myself.
This week, I study, study, study; then on the weekend, I take a course and write an exam that, should I pass, will set me on my way to being a Financial Advisor. I will be able to help just about anyone take what they have and make it grow with little risk at all. I've already seen what it can do for friends of mine. Without increasing their monthly spending, they're able to insure both of their lives, pay off a couple loans, and invest a good chunk of change. When they retire, they'll have a healthy $60K+/year income... and taxation will be at a minimum!

One thing that is getting me charged up emotionally, is the idea of prayer. The people I work with now often pray together, and a couple of the newbies commented on how they enjoyed listening to me pray. I started to say that it used to be my favorite thing to do; but, then I realized that it still is.
As my schedule in the days to come becomes more clear, I am hoping to be able to get together with a few friends and pray more often.

The prayer I love and believe in is not so much the, "God, can you help me with this and that," kind of prayer. I love to take what God has spoken - in Scripture, and in the hearts of man - and declare it over my life, my family and friends' lives, over the city... I love the idea that when I speak with passion and purpose that which is unseen is changed.
I believe that we are foolish if we discount that which we do not see or understand. There is much more to life than what is seen - so much more. Oh, how I wish that I could convey what I've experienced in the spiritual realms of life; for, I know that there are many who have never searched beyond the natural world. But, often times I think that if I could just somehow convey what I've experienced, then they, too, would want to search for what is 'more'.
The doors are open to whoever will find them.

The older I get, the more I am convinced that the J-O-B is not what makes life important. I will not take that page from my parents' book (though, to be fair, it seem they're both writing a new book). I am looking forward to changing my career. I will still be helping people, but I will also be paid a lot more for the time I put in... and I can put in as much or little time as I choose. So, as long as I can meet expenses OK enough, I will have just about as much time as I want to direct toward that which I truly love to do.


At 8/15/2006 7:48 p.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

wow jason! you're leaving LLN too! does jeff have someone to take your place? i'm so pleased you've received direction and pray God's blessing on you. em.

At 8/15/2006 9:37 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

There are 2 new sales people, who've been in training for a week & 2 days that'll be taking over. Jeff's going to be leading the sale's dept. himself.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm looking forward to what dreams may come. :)


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