Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sofa King Tired

I don't know what it is, but I am so tired lately. Is it Mono? I don't think so. I haven't had a relapse in years. I think it comes from total job dissatisfaction. I like the organization I work for, I like the people I work with, I like the results that my job produces.... but, I am not liking my job very much at the moment.

Right now, what really appeals to me is Vacation! My sister is off to the Island for a week - I wish I could be there too. Instead, I'm heading the opposite direction on Sunday - no beach on my horizon. Just miles of plain and accounts to renew. Hopefully, I can get it all done in a couple of days.
Sometimes, I think staying at my job is going to come down to a decision of what I think is more important: my sanity, or this organization's survival. Am I thinking too highly of myself? I hope so! I hope I can just take off on the road back to sanity, and this place will carry on as if I'd never left. That'd be a miracle - and God knows, we believe they happen....
That reminds me of a line in a Brian Adams song:
Just because I don't believe in miracles doesn't mean they don't come true...

That could get me going on a really deep thought process.... but, I'm too tired to really let that train of thought go on.

I think I'll go down to my car, and listen to said song, and take a nap.



At 6/03/2006 11:10 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok u....tired? lethargic? not motivated to move forward? see no hope for immediate change???? well you may be "depressed".....ok sorry had to do it... really though may be that you are more "emotionally tired" and it is coming our in a physical expression which is very common/normal. However if you do NOT like it...can move from it with little guidance and effort. interested? often helps at this point to bounce your stuff off of a stranger...a counsellor, someone who can ask you the "questions" that will stimulate your own answers.....easy to get "caught up in ourselves" to the point of not seeing another way to me or email if I can help....Love ya...M

At 6/04/2006 9:44 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Thank you Dr. Phil.


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