Thursday, June 15, 2006

Could He be telling me something?

So, I get this email the other day from Jack Canfield (of Chicken Soup For The Soul fame) with a subject line of, "Are you being completely fulfilled?" Without even reading what the email was about, I answer with a resounding, "No!"
Of course, he's promoting a book to help me get on track, and I'm tempted to buy it - he usually recommends good things.

There also seems to be a "Changing Of the Guards" of sorts at work. My manager, our asst. editor, and one of our graphic artists are all leaving at the end of the month; which leaves me praying often as to how it's all going to shake out in the months to come. When you work in an office that only employs 8 people, 3 leaving is a HUGE deal!
I've not been 'completely satisfied' - to use Jack's phrase - at my job for quite a while. A couple of years ago, I told my boss that I didn't really like what I was doing, and he convinced me to stay b/c things were changing. A year ago, I told him that I wasn't any more satisfied, but, again, change was happening... so, I stayed. Now, the foundations of this organization are being shaken - this is the hardest month that I can remember - I am praying for direction.

The answer I keep getting is that I can't stay.

So, now I am planning my resignation. I like everything at my current job to just pull the plug, and jump ship w. the others. I'll likely stay another couple of months, making my tenure an even 4 years.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And, with at least a week of vacation slotted in there, all I have to do is get through this month, and it's home free.... kinda.


At 7/02/2006 2:04 p.m., Blogger Jenn said...

Hey there baldy...I think you should update your picture!

At 7/18/2006 10:04 a.m., Blogger EGB said...

So, like, I'm waiting for the appearing/disappearing comments... are they coming?

At 7/18/2006 12:31 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

"Update your blog! Update your blog!"

Maybe later


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