Thursday, August 17, 2006


There are several people I once spent some time with, but I don't see anymore. I interact with them primarily through their blogs.
Recently, another friend of mine - from a different circle completely - has obviously befriended some of these people who's blogs I haunt. This friend informed me that it wasn't cool to comment on their blogs b/c I don't hang out with them anymore.
Now, every time I read a friend's blog, whom I haven't spoken to face-to-face in a long while, I hear this other person telling me I'm not supposed to be there. And, every time I hear that voice, I want to say "Shut... the F*$&... Up!"

Now, I do still consider this person, who says I'm out of place, a friend. I respect their opinion and enjoy talking to them whenever the occasion arises. That's probably why it bugs me. There may be one or two of the people I used to know who don't want me to comment on their blog, but I'm pretty sure the others appreciate what I say... that I still care.
I don't know... I guess it will always be this way. Most people are so.... dramatic!

See, there are people in my life that I don't see very often anymore - I may never see them again. But, we were friends once. And, I will always call them a friend. I will always welcome them. Sure, we may not share the deepest parts of our souls to one another (did we ever?), but the way I see it, the doors always open to them.
I know so many people who say, "They haven't called me in days/weeks/months. Screw them!" I just think, "When was the last time you picked up the phone, sent an email, dropped in? F#*%in' hypocrite." But, I usually try to be sympathetic and disarm the bomb.
People get busy. Life moves at such a break-neck speed, we can't expect to stay in touch w. everyone on our own. If it's not a 2-way deal, it just doesn't happen. If you want to connect with someone, you're gonna have to put some effort into it.


It isn't bad. It isn't good. It just is.

I have a friend, whom I haven't seen in quite a while. When we did get together, it was always in larger groups - and we were always closer to someone else in that group - so, we never really spent any time to really connect. However, they blog their life. And, I am glad that I'm able to still be a part of their life. I hope that I can offer some hope and encouragement in the comments I leave. I care for them. I feel for them quite a bit - I think we've gone through similar things in life (tho, they probably wouldn't think so).

Anyway. The whole point of this blog is to say:


If you're a friend from a bygone time, and don't think we're 'close enough' for me to comment on your blog (or on someone else's blog), I'm sorry. Ask me to keep it to myself. But, please realize, I'm not trying to be nosy, or bossy, or a know-it-all. I'm just trying to relate... to share a piece of myself.
Sometimes, online is the only place we can.


At 8/17/2006 1:12 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? I comment on all kinds of people I've never even met's blogs.

Sheesh if they wanted to be a closed thing they could make it as such sheesh.

Comment on my friend comment on!

At 8/17/2006 5:01 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

I find your comment slightly ironic, since you don't allow comments on your blog. ;)

At 8/17/2006 11:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN BROTHER........if people don't want your comments let them say so.....and if we werent' supposed to comment then why do they provide a COMMENT box??? hmmm

At 8/18/2006 9:39 a.m., Blogger .a. said...

Hey J =)

It took me awhile to realize that "J man" on E's blogs' comments' was actually you! Ha!
I was like... ("who is this wise "J man" guy..") And this blog, just begged a comment -- so here it is, I totally agree, that's the beauty of the internet age, "almost anonymous commradderie"
Cheers bro =)

At 8/18/2006 10:48 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Just a warning on the "Almost Annonymous..." I bug and pester Anno's because... well... they're Anno's.


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