Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hey Nostradamus!

I hate this book. But, I can't leave it alone. It's fiction, but it's just too real. It reminds me how much I detest religion.

"But, J... you're a Christian - you're religious," is what you're thinking, isn't it?

No, my friends. I hate religion. I hate a bunch of rules that just bind people up and make them... unhuman! I hate how it excludes those who are nowhere near free, and those who are (becoming) free.
But, to deny it's in me is to lye. I see it there, and I hate it. I hate how I don't associate with certain people because they're not like me... though the disassociation is not because I don't like them, but because it's just not kosher. I'm such a coward, sometimes.

But, really; this book is just too much. I have to keep reading it, but I feel that I need a couple days off from everything, just to process it.

Us and them.... I hate it. Eric, I hate it.


At 8/23/2006 1:40 a.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

Well, I haven't read this book, but I can relate to your hatred of religion. Thank you so much for your encouraging words on our blog, J. May God also bless your steps as you step into unchartered territory.


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