Monday, December 18, 2006

Shhh.... It's A Secret

I watched a video this evening with a few good friends of mine called The Secret. I believe the idea for the video was developed by Bob Proctor, a man I'm coming to respect greatly in the areas of self-education.

So, what is The Secret? Well, this isn't the first time I've heard about this wonderful teaching. I actually was introduced to this Secret by God several years ago. It's funny how all of these great teachings are scattered throughout the Scriptures. What the Secret is, is the Law of Attraction. Like Gravity, we are all subject to this Law, whether we want it, believe in it, or not. What we think about and feel, we create.
If you think how wonderful and great everything is, you'll tend to keep getting more of the same. And, the same goes for the focus we give to the crap. Ever notice that crap comes in bunches... when you start a day on the wrong side, the whole day seems to be ruined? Quantum physics is starting to prove these theories to be true - stuff that God has had on the go for ever! :)

This video is right in line with a book I just picked up called The Way of the Wizard by Depak Chopra. I'm only a little ways into the book, but it's reawakening truths that I learned many years ago, and had... well, forgotten. It's not that I actually forgot about them - I have been using them, just very infrequently.
The actually wording in this book will make Christians cringe; but, I know that God "is in all and through all" - He's always there, waiting to be discovered. When I substitute the word wizard with God; Merlin with Jesus: and, Arthur with me/you the book is amazing! It totally awakens the soul to the truths of Scripture. I'm not at all saying that this book is on par with the Bible - not even close! The Bible has way more Life in it than any book that I'm aware of. But, if you store the Truth of the Word in your heart, you'll be able to find it, and have it illuminated in just about anything. And, it is being illuminated for me in The Way of the Wizard. I highly recommend it!

I really only wanted to write to give people a recommendation. I'll likely write soon about actual life, and how it's responding to this video and this book.



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