Thursday, January 04, 2007

Where am I?

The other day, I had a friend ask me, "So, where's J?" I thought it was a deep philosophical question, so I started to reply about what I'd been reading in The Way of the Wizard: "I'm nowhere... I'm everywhere...." But, my friends said that's not what they were talking about - I'm not the same person they expected.
Their response really threw me for a loop. Was I acting? Am I not myself, lately? I was really quite perturbed by that response; "Why can't I be who I am right now? Why do I have to be this person that you were expecting?" is what I thought. But, my initial thoughts were not a fair assessment - they were just reaction... me choosing to be insulted.

To be honest, I don't really know where I am. On the surface, almost nothing since September has gone to plan, and it just seems to be getting worse. There is definitely something undesirable under the surface... I find myself feeling inferior to just about everyone I know. Somehow, I have lost my identity.

It's funny... I have been reading about getting past Ego, and moving toward a deeper understanding of life; however, as I am typing this, I realize that it is, in fact, my ego that is causing this identity crisis. My ego says, "I am my job; I am my duties; I am all this stuff." However, the Truth says, "I Am," plain and simple. It doesn't help that I have been spending a lot of time with ego-centred people in the last several months - we become who we hang around with.

So... where am I? I don't know. But, something I've come to realize, even as I have typed this out, is that wherever I am is OK. In fact, it is Good because Someone knows exactly where I am, and He's got it all under control. Control is not my job.


At 1/10/2007 4:07 a.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

hmmm... i agree with you jay. God always wants us to be changing and molding into the person he is. we aren't to live up to people's expectations of us, no matter how misunderstood we may feel. thanks for writing this!


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