Thursday, May 24, 2007

In The Stillness

There was a song written by Paul Oakley about 5 years ago that took me to another Place. I heard it back in the day when I'd freely download music from other people w/o thinking about whether it was right that I hadn't paid for it. I no longer see the need to pirate music; however, I do miss the song.
Music is a migical tool, created by God, I'm sure. It has the ability to lift your spirits, make you angry or sad, and even to transport you out of this world.

I haven't listened to a Paul Oakley song in years, but I tell you, he's one well-written worshiper. If anyone has a line on where I can find an album with In The Stillness on it, let me know... oh yeah, I'd love to hear Bon Jovi's I Talk To Jesus again, too!


At 5/31/2007 9:20 p.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

wow, u made me feel really guilty with this post lol... perhaps i should stop downloading??? it became a habit while i was in korea and couldn't get things otherwise. i'm back in canada now... i have a new blog: God bless u, em.


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