Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Life to the Fullest

I've heard quite a few of my Christian friends, lately, talk about how they are despising their self-indulgent lives. There is something deep inside us that must live a life of Glory, but it seems to be impossible in this day and age (cf. "Be Ye..."). We think that life has to be a struggle, if we're going to Glorify our Lord.

I've been thinking about this for weeks, and I just can't get my head around it. The idea of a struggled-life glorifying Christ is not what I read in Scripture, and it's not what I hear when I pray. Granted, many of us are way too self-indulgent; however, to live a life that is hard and unenjoyed is not at all what Jesus died for - and it's definitely not why He was resurrected!

Jesus said that He came to give us a Full Life (Jn 10:10). Now, this is not how I'd describe a life of struggle and hardship. Struggle and hardship are indeed a part of a Full Life, but they aren't the whole of it. No, there must be seasons of great joy and ease, as well.
Look at David's life. Nobody had more going against him at times, yet Israel never saw such prosperity and joy while he was King. Read the stories of Abraham, Joseph, Elijah... all of our Biblical heroes - men and women who're close to God, living Full Lives - had times of joy and ease of life, as well as struggle.

Balance is the banner being waved by the "healthy" in our society, these days. Now, I do not agree that compartmentalizing and balancing out the different aspects of our lives is healthy, nor is it the heart's desire; however, there could be a reason why some of us are turning our sights toward a more self-sacrificial way of life. There is a happy medium.

Jesus is the herald of a Full Life. Let us not forsake the "high" for the "low" (and vice versa); but, let us embrace all that God brings our way.


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