Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, it can be anything that you remember! Don't send a message, just leave a comment. Next, re-post this on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.

Have a good one!


At 2/22/2007 2:24 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

I remember a time when people used to comment on my blog....

At 2/22/2007 6:09 p.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

hey u. i remember when u scared the pants off of me (not literally) every morning at LLN :) oh -- and when you caught me spilling my drink all over myself. and picking my chair up off the floor. and when you prayed over me after i nearly passed out. thanks j :) em.

At 2/22/2007 6:18 p.m., Blogger .a. said...

k, memory about J-man ...
I remember when you'd order goodies from the 'NUT MAN' that would come into LLN and you'd have the treats on your desk, and we could walk by and snag some when you weren't looking...
that was fun...
take care dude!

At 2/22/2007 8:16 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember going to many pet stores with you, those were special me and you times. I
especially remember the one in Calgary where you "reacted" to the frozen shrimp and your eyes got all swollen then your Face got swollen by the time we got to Okotoks..sheesh you were a mess. But all for a good cause eh? love M

At 2/27/2007 6:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

J, I remember grad on the Queen, dancing till 2. I remember your pirate costume and all the hot tub get-togethers. I remember the time we went skiing and you danced to Footloose in the basement suite. I remember your baptism and how you glowed. I remember late nights at Jenn's "aunts" condo. ( My mom was not mad at you and Jenn when she called, the day before I was in a small - I mean REALLY small accident and the cops called my mom trying to talk to me to get some facts stright. It kind of freaked her out having cops trying to track me down)I also remember Guila monsters! Do you? (that's an old one). There are sooo many fun amazing times we have had. I am gratefull for every one of them and look forwards to decades more of these memories.

God Bless you,


At 3/02/2007 2:08 p.m., Blogger Jen said...

I remember when we went to Dave's family cabin and you,Jill, Dave and I decided to go canoeing and we had a bit of trouble getting the canoe from the sand into the water...

At 3/06/2007 6:27 p.m., Blogger Chris said...

J, I remember stepping on your hand in metal cleats at a baseball practice before we ever became friends. With a start like that, I'm surprised we were ever able to make that happen, LOL

At 3/08/2007 1:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember nothing...quite possibly due to my own dysfunctional memory.

However, I do belive we (You, Cam, and I) once snuck Kokanee's into some movie (that I can't recall the name of) the day your parents told you about them breaking up.

I also remember us doing totally unbeleivable cough sounds every time we cracked the top of another one thinking that noone could figure out what we were up to.

- Rob


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