Monday, February 12, 2007

Too Liberal?

Am I too liberal to be a Christian? I often think so - at least to be the kind of Christian that goes to the churches I've been going to.

When we start talking about the work of Christ, people often think that I am just out to lunch when I say that what He did, He did for everyone, and what He did is done. "Are you saying that everyone is Saved?" is what they ask. Well, if they knew they were, then yes, I'd say that Jesus has paid the Price for everyone. Do they need to do something to earn this salvation - like say a special incantation? I don't think so; however, for people to live the Heavenly life we're meant to live - even here on earth - they do need to awaken to the fact that what's been done is done.

Or, how about homosexuality? There was a time when I'd just say, "the Bible says it's wrong, so it's wrong." Well, I'm not so sure it's that cut and dry. I think my sister-in-law's girlfriend is an awesome person, and would be happy to have her a part of the family; but... (it's just not allowed!)
Does God hate my homo/bisexual friends and family? I don't think so - in fact, to say so I believe would be blasphemy. "He doesn't hate the sinner, just the sin," is the common answer to that. But, what most Christians really mean is that He doesn't hate my sin; but, he does hate their sin. If we didn't really mean that, then we'd be embracing people of different sexual orientation, religion and race with open arms. What's the difference between God redeeming a person hooked on drugs and alcohol (who still stumbles in those areas), and God embracing someone who intimately enjoys the company of the same sex (and loves Jesus)?

We Christians like to think we have the corner on God. If you believe something other than what we do, then you're wrong and going to hell. That's just the way it is - that's what it says in the Bible; my pastor/parent/friend told me so.
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be numbered amongst my brothers and sisters... but, who isn't ashamed of their family at some point in life? We are all family. And I love everyone of us.

Flame shields up!


At 2/12/2007 6:54 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Hey J,

I had written a long winded comment and thought twice about posting it. I can see your struggle in this because its something that I have to struggle with also.

I am very black and white on the topic of homsexuality and to be honest, I don't really think that would help you in your struggle. I will leave that to someone with a theological degree.

I just want to encourage you to continue to model Christ's love towards your homosexual friends. After all it's Christ work in people that transforms lives - not us bible bashing people over the head about sin. It's Christ who convicts!

If you truly witness to the grace of God, this will come up as an issue with your homosexual friends. I just pray that God gives you wisdom in handling the situation and that he will show you through scripture what to say.

Keep your head up and we should hang out sometime.

We really do miss you at church

At 2/13/2007 9:46 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

I hear what you're saying, Dave. And, there are many things that are said to be 'wrong' in the Bible that are disregarded today. But, for me the whole point isn't the fact that someone practices homosexuality, or drinks, or is promiscuous, etc. etc.; instead, I see Jesus reaching out to everyone and sharing His Love.
Granted, He always encouraged people to quit sinning, otherwise they will reap the reward of their sin. I think, perhaps that's where I fall short. I definitely don't condemn anyone (for there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ - Rom 8); however, I rarely point out that a person's actions will lead to very real consiquences. Such is the case for us all, whether we call ourselves Christian or not.

At 2/16/2007 2:06 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there
I know you don't know me, but I just want to say that I really enjoyed this entry.
I have a diverse family, touching on every topic you discussed, and I can't for a moment doubt my love for every single one of them. I don't spout tolerance, because I would be heart broken to find out that my dearest people merely tolerated me. It was interesting to come to this thought, and I wanted to thank you for inspiring it.
not being a "wooo Jesus!" kind of person, I find your thoughts refreshing. I think at some points in our lives we develop deeper humanity by questioning the functuality of our faith. Thank you!

At 2/16/2007 2:11 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Heh... I usually make fun of Ano's because... well they're Ano's. But, this was a great comment. Thanks!

I am a "wooo Jesus!" kind of person - I believe everyone needs to meet Him in order to even come clost to experiencing the life we're meant to live. But, I am beginning to understand that He intends so much more than typical Christianity would have us believe.


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