Friday, February 09, 2007

Disaster or Transition

So, a friend of mine is leaving. Well, he's not really a friend - I almost barely talk to him anymore - but, he's really good friends with a few friends of mine... and, he's leaving. Some of us saw it coming - he's had a lot to deal with lately, and really shouldn't be handling the burden he has to carry here. I think he needed to move on a while back - it's just that the door is open, now.
My friends who truly love this guy seem to be totally broken. I can understand - one of the very instrumental people who helped them build their house is leaving. I mean, good friends have left before, but nobody as good and as important as this guy. They're going to talk about it on Sunday, but I won't be there - I don't usually hang out with these guys on Sundays, anymore. Some of us had a chat about it all on Wednesday, but we were few - Sunday is when everyone will talk about it.
I wonder how they'll take it. Is it a sinking ship, anyway? I know some people think that. Is this an opportunity for us to do things that were impossible with this fellow around? I'm sure there are some - though sad to see him leave - will be thankful for something new. Has the wind been knocked out of the sails, especially of his close friends? Seems that way. There's a few of us who have a habit of moping for a while when something 'bad' happens.

So, what do I think about this all?

If it isn't apparent, I'm talking about one of our leaders at church. A church that I call home - even if I don't attend on Sundays all the regularly. My friend Nathan has heard the Call to move on - something that has been coming for a long time (I think it was 1st heard by people about 5 years ago). But, just because he's going to lead at another church, doesn't mean that ours is bad. It's true that he leaves a huge void - if the church were a play or band, he'd be the talent (others being the brains and the voice).
He left so that he could mature under another worship leader, something that he hasn't had in his life at our church. And, as he goes to mature, so it's a time for our congregation to mature as well. This will be a tough time for our church, but it will be a great time of growth. I'm actually looking forward to it all.
If I don't attend on Sundays, why would I even be interested in how things progress? Well, like I said, it's still home for me. I hang out with a bunch from this church during the week. I'd probably be more involved if some others and I could coordinate during the week. I love the people who make up the body of the church - we just don't have what my family needs right now.

So, life goes on. Nathan is stepping into the next phase of his life; therefore, so is the Canopy. If Nathan is moving into his destiny, then so is the Canopy. We are a blessed bunch.


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