Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Inspiration.... Adventure

Today, I read an article on 40 things a Drunkard should do before he/she dies - I was inspired. Am I a drunkard? Well, most of my Christian friends would think so; so would most of my old high school buddies. But, a True Drunkard would call me a pussy. From a Drunkard's standpoint, my best years are behind me - once I hit 25, I lost most of my stamina (tho at that last party, I got more smashed than I have been in YEARS! Granted, I was dead to the world 'til 9pm the next day; but, we found out that it wasn't a complete hang-over - there was some bad chicken, too).

But, why am I really inspired by following the ways of Drunkards' Dreams? Some of that top 40 was damned exciting!

I have lived a life of relative freedom. I have pretty much always done what I wanted; however, over the last several years, I have been bitten by some dreaded vampire that seems to be sucking the life out of me. Maybe it's compassion because I actually have grown to not want to offend. I used to just be me, and if that pissed some people off, so be it. However, there are some people in my life that I truly like, but are offended by the way I live quite often. So, I tone it down a bit. But, it can cause one to grow dull....

I am now married and expecting my first child. I am quite excited about this. I enjoy being married, and am very much looking forward to being a dad. However, the responsibilities that come with it all mean I've got to make some changes. I can't just go and do something crazy, not really caring what the consequences are. If my crazy deeds are offensive to my wife, I have to live with someone who's POed (perhaps for good reason, perhaps not). If my crazy deeds lead to injury or death, my kid grows up without a dad; and, I miss out on what is likely to be one of the most rewarding times of life.

Things in life change. That's the way it is.
Were things better when I was single, and could go on any (drinking) adventure I wanted? Not necessarily. I got used to knowing how to have fun, then. I just need to find a way to have more fun, now.

To live is the greatest adventure. I do not mourn the past, nor do I dread the future. For the moment, I am a bit bored with life; but, I know it will get better. "Feeling like a Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday Night!"


At 2/14/2007 5:35 p.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

hey j... i hope you find something that allows you release that 'inner crazy side' and still lets you be the solid rock your family needs. do you play guitar? are you interested in running? i was so inspired by doctor choi because he is constantly setting new goals for himself... anyway, God bless you too on this journey! em.

At 2/18/2007 5:33 p.m., Blogger Chris said...

Speaking as a high school/post high school buddy, I would have to say you are not or ever have been a drunkard. What you possibly lacked back in your "less than sober days" was direction. There was nothing inherently wrong with what you were doing, just like there was nothing right in it either. You just needed to find the balance.

You didn't NEED alcohol as fuel, you only wanted it. And wanting it in moderation or socially is perfectly normal--Christian or not. Religious beliefs, or lack thereof, should not define you as a person. Your soul is what makes you who you are and your true friends, both close and distant, would see that your soul is still afire. The only difference now is that you've found that balance. Congrats, we've been waiting a long time for it, LOL.
j/k ;)

P.S. Sorry to ramble on there...I feel shame.

At 2/20/2007 8:39 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Chris who???

Dude, it sounds like you're the one about to become a dad!

Thanks for the encouragement.

At 2/20/2007 8:45 p.m., Blogger Chris said...

I have my moments, LOL

At 3/01/2007 11:22 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Here's the inspirational article:

At 3/08/2007 1:20 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't popped in in to read in months, fun read.

Anyways, you definately not a drunkard, but you are also definately one of the most entertaining people when you get a little jet fuel into you.


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