Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Do you hear what I hear?

I've been hearing many people talk about how contemporary Christian worship is... sliding (for lack of a better word). There are a number of people I associate with who think that contemporary Christian worship songs sing too much about "I" and not enough about "Him/You".

In a lot of ways I can totally see their point. We go to church to worship God, right? We're not 'supposed' to be going for ourselves. I've heard it said that many current worship singers have sold-out for the big bucks.
While this may very well be the case, I'm not so sure that these singers started writing their songs with "I" lyrics b/c they're selfish or have lost focus on God.

Here's what I think started the "I"-song revolution. I believe that many worship artists heard God speaking to the greatness of His greatest creation. See, God has made us in His image... "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods' ?" Jn 10:34
What God does to us in His presence is amazing! I love how I feel when meditating, consciously in His presence. And, when I do this, His Power in me seems to increase. I feel more Divine. The Charisma seem to come alive within me. I can't give words to how I feel when I concentrate on God within me.
See, I am honestly tired of worshiping only the God who exists outside of me. There are too many of us who see God in Heaven, but are blind to God within us... God amongst us. Yes, God is to be revered; but, He is to be revered everywhere, not just in Heaven.

OK, now I'll tell you the truth of what I think about contemporary Christian worship songs. They suck, for the most part. I find so many of them to be shallow and uninspired. For the most part, I agree with my Brothers and Sisters who want to sing more hymns... I'd just like them rocked up b/c I prefer R&R over Granny Tunes.
But, contemporary worship was birthed out of a voice within many of us who heard God saying, "I'm inside you. I have made you My Dwelling Place."

O Lord, I love who You have made me to be!


At 4/03/2007 6:29 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Awesome Post J! Thank you for your insight. The only thing is a lot of the 'I' music even neglects the fact that God dwells in us. Maybe that's a need for the contemporary music that is being written.

I say rock up the hymns!

At 4/03/2007 11:31 p.m., Blogger Nietzsche's Girl said...

Hey J,

Sort of off topic here, but I'd REALLY REALLY be interested in seeing your scientific evidence for a 6000 year old earth. Could you email it to me?

At 4/05/2007 7:38 p.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

well written j. i agree with you on both accounts... however, i found david crowder band very refreshing. have a holy easter! em.


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