Friday, May 18, 2007


For a long time I have thought that I've been procrastinating... or maybe I've been waiting on others around me to get it started; but lately, I've come to realize that the season wasn't right. A seed was sown long ago in my heart, and I've felt it begin to sprout for a while. There are times when I wanted to get all excited, sure that whatever it was that was sown was about to spring forth. But it didn't... I'm still waiting.
However, there is a sense of why I've been waiting. I am no longer frustrated with myself - my inability to get something going. I'm not anxious with other people, wondering why they don't just get the show on the road. In some misterious way, I can see down the road (and around the bend), and I know this waiting is not in vain. There's a time and season for everything (remember that song by the Byrds - inspired by the book of Ecclesiastes?), and God is not slow in bringing about His promises.

I am looking forward to how the next several months and year unfold. There's an air of anticipation in the spirit (yes, small 's' for a reason).

Come what may, Father.


At 5/18/2007 11:42 p.m., Blogger Jenn said...

I am so glad for you, that you are feeling more peace and joy in living, in being.

At 5/19/2007 12:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Universe/God has a different clock than us....but KNOWING all will be provided in time is what gives us Peace...enjoy the Journey, and keep up the connection with the Laws of it is working great for you so far!! M


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