Friday, October 01, 2004


Now, I'm sure you're thinking that I'm gonna be giving you my opinion about women. Well, I'm not. I'm gonna share about baby chickens....

Chicks are just so weird. You know, you see them, and they're just so cute. All you want to do is cuddle with them, always hold them b/c they're so soft, and they smell good too.
You ever been to one of those chick barns? They're everywhere, and they all look so adorable - you just want to take them all home w. you. You get these thoughts in your head that it'd be so cool to sleep w. them all at the same time - if you could ever get them to stay still! But, just think... you're whole bed would be filled w. these soft, sweet smelling chicks!

But, you know what? They don't stay that way. Chicks don't stay chicks - they're not cute and cuddly forever. That phase wears off right quick - it usually only lasts a few weeks... maybe a month or two. They go from looking to you for love and affection to trying to become Cock of the Roost. They try to boss you around, pecking at you when they don't get your way, and driving you nuts!!
And, they don't look as cute as they did when you first saw them. Your friends start asking you what you ever saw in that bird. For some reason, their looks just disappear - do they just stop caring about being cute? I mean, it's more than just their appearance... it's that attitude. I mean, it's just ugly!!
You start to wish you'd never brought that chick home in the first place. But, what do you do now? You can't just get rid of it... I mean it's a living creature, too. That'd just be totally cold-hearted. So, you're stuck w. it, and hope that this ugliness doesn't last for ever.

The good thing is, the ugliness does fade. But, what happens is almost worse. That ugly bird turns into a full grown chicken. You ever notice how chickens worry about everything? Remember Chicken Little? "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" All that clucking is worse than the pecking! At least w. the pecking, you have some scars to show for it; this clucking just gives you a headache and drives you crazy!
You start thinking that maybe you should just eat this bird and get it over with. You can't go back after you've done that - you're either stuck w. it forever, or it just doesn't agree w. you, and it's out of you life for just as long.
But, be warned! If you haven't eaten it by now, it's not going to taste that good. It's much better to eat them when they're chicks. They're still quite supple and juicy. If you've waited 'til they're a chicken, first you'll be hard pressed to get that bird in the pot; then, you'll be sorely disappointed w. the taste. It'll be a tad bitter, and not as juicy as you'd hoped.

No, I'm thinking the best thing we can do w. chicks is leave them in the barn. People probably shouldn't be taking things home that they just don't know a whole lot about. That's why I'm sticking with fish.

Now, if I could just figure out women!


At 10/24/2004 9:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you will have great difficulty figuring "women" out if you lump us all in one I used to make "men" comments but have learned that indeed all men are NOT created love the individuality of each person..male or female generalizations are misleading and risks putting people into Boxes..m

At 10/25/2004 12:00 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Thanks for the advice about women, but I was talking about chickens....


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