Sunday, June 17, 2007

Time..... where has it gone?

This summer I am working at a near dream-job! I'm building water features... ponds, waterfalls and streams to enhance people's yards. I love the work... it's just that there's so much of it! I wish I had a bit more time and/or energy to spend on other things; but, it's worth it. I should have loads of time this winter!
This is the first job I've had where I don't wake up in the morning thinking, "Crap! I have to work, today..." No, I quite like what I do, and look forward to heading out to work every day. It's something I hope everyone gets to experience some time.

Follow your bliss!


At 6/21/2007 10:51 p.m., Blogger kanadians in korea said...

i'm so happy for you j! it's great that you look forward to your job. i'm really enjoying being at home and taking care of my parents' gardens and pond... i have a new blog, btw: it's a place to remember my mom by... anyway, God bless you! em.


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