Monday, July 02, 2007

Too good...

Don't you just hate it when something so good goes so wrong? As I wrote last time, I love my job! However, I can no longer stand my boss. They guy has lied to me too many times that it's time to move on. It really sucks!
However, when one door closes, another inevitably opens, and it looks like I'll be able to get back into the world of self-employment a little earlier than anticipated. I've been introduced to a couple who is eager to mentor not only myself, but also my wife as we work toward building a solid business. I've paid a lot of money over the years to try to get a handle on what this couple knows, and now here they are wanting to give us everything we are looking for... and more! For the first time, both Jenn & I are excited about business together!
It'll take a while before we can jump into this FT, so I'm currently looking for something to pay the bills in the mean time.

In the mean time.....

There are two positions at West Edmonton Mall that sound fun. One would be maintaining the water for all of their attractions (Water Park, Sea Life, Subs, etc), and the other involved suiting up SCUBA-style and cleaning the Sub tank! How cool would that be!!??
The job market is wide open, here, so I am not worried at all about finding gainful employment.

The journey continues...


At 7/02/2007 8:56 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO "Jacque" with that new physic you will look great in scuba M

At 7/03/2007 10:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have your PADI dive ticket? Because seriously that underwater cleaning job would kick ass. It'd probably be a good workout too.

So is it real estate investing? 80% of milionares are real estate investors....

Don't forget the Bible says that it's good to work with your hands.


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