Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to begin?

I don't really have a planned topic, today. But, I figured I'd give a little bit of a reason why "Ponderings" exists. I started it September '04 as a way to share my thoughts - or probably more accurate, my philosophies - as they play out in my everyday life.
I am often inspired to write by conversations I have with friends and family; by songs I hear on the radio or iPod; by times spent in meditation and Scriptural study; and, by the books I read.

In the days, months, and hopefully years ahead, I hope you enjoy "Ponderings". Please feel free to Comment - relate, retorte, post links, whatever your heart desires. My Blog is here for me to relate to you, and for you to interact however you choose.

Before I close, I want to thank several Bloggers for inspiring me to pick up the pen... er, keyboard... once again!



At 1/22/2010 11:18 a.m., Blogger honjoffman said...

Hey Jay,
I'm glad you're back in action! I missed reading your posts. Over two years, crazy how time flies. Its weird how the hardest part is often figuring out those lousy passwords...argghhhh! I used to think they didn't really matter until i had my facebook account hacked and then everyone is getting bizarre posts with my name attached. So embarassing! Anyways, hope all is well. Cheers.


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