Friday, October 01, 2004

Girls are funny

You know, I shouldn't have mentioned that certain lady I'm interested in (see "When's the right time to move forward?")... now all my female friends who read this think it's them. I think I really need to change the way I act around them all, if this is the effect I'm having.
I mean, of course the comment about me being irresistible if I wanted to be is most likely what's got them going. And the fact that I just respond to them w. "what if it is you." doesn't help much, I suppose.
Maybe this "What if" idea shouldn't be used in all situations. But, it always makes me think about my future, and the possibilities that are out there. Is there more than one "Mrs. Right" for each gut? Or, is there only one woman that God has for each of us?
I'm more inclined to think that there probably is a best match; but, I'm also sure that no matter who I marry, it'll be so wonderful. Yes, I know most marriages end in divorce these days; but, I'm not like most people. And, I'm sure she's not going to be Miss Normal, either.

Anyway, back to the subject of this message....

Why do women always seem to think they have it all figured out? I guess I can't blame them. I mean everyone thinks that - man or woman - don't they? It's the North American way, isn't it?
Actually, come to think of it, women are a lot like baby chickens (read "Chicks!" below)... but, I won't go there. You can draw your own conclusions.

I guess I shouldn't laugh or make fun of anyone. I mean, I've been making post after post about how I'm trying to learn what life is really about. I just wish there was something I could do to help people realize that it's ok that we don't know it all.
I am actually finding it quite liberating knowing that I don't have it all figured out - there's a lot of pressure taken off. I don't have to 'perform to standard' anymore... well... I'm a work in progress. I haven't arrived by any means. But, I know I'm coming along.

Anyway... I'll try not to laugh at girls so often... :-D


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