Thursday, October 21, 2004

When it rains, it pours!

You know that saying.... "When it rains, it pours"? That's kinda what life is like for me right now - it's a good thing that I love the rain!
A Prophet once said that if we follow the Lord, He will bless us with more than we can contain. I've felt that kind of blessing with Joy several times over the last couple of weeks. Sometimes, while pondering on the wonders of God, I just start laughing out loud - it's quite the site to see a grown man, sitting in his office giggling like a little kid.
I'm starting to see that same type of blessing at my job. Sales are up, just got promoted, will be seeing a pay raise, more travel. It's all good.

Actually, I think the richest blessing I am seeing is meaningful friendships. I know I was just complaining that nobody keeps me accountable - but, you know what? - I am learning how to truly love people for who they are, and the fruit from that seed is making itself evident. Even friendships that looked like they were going to go sour are becoming a blessing in my life. Friends from days long ago are back, and our friendships are stronger than ever.
Even when the "fit hits the shan", so-to-speak, and there is a need for confrontation, words change as they come out of my mouth. When I want to complain about how a friend has been treating me, I end up asking how they're doing, and if there is anything I can do to help ease the stresses in their lives. It's fantastic!

It's like that Phil Collins song, or maybe it was Jimmy Durant... I forget, but it's a song about rain, and I like it. :-P


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