Sunday, October 10, 2004

More on Time

If you think about it, there are biblical accounts of people transcending time. I can think of at least 3 ppl who've been recorded as doing so.

Of course, it's Jesus who's done the most. He walked the earth in human form for a specific period of "Time" - namely about 2000 yrs ago for 33yrs. However, there are people who've seen him throughout history.

Joshua saw him when the Israelites were about to take Jericho (the historic taking of the most fortified city in the ancient near east). My theory is this: even though it was thousands of years before Jesus' earthly existence, he had the ability - the revelation - to be able to move outside of "Time's" boundaries.
Go back to the meter stick analogy. Joshua is (or was) at like 20cm, while Jesus is (was) closer to 80cm, timewise. But, in space - that is actual location - they are in the same place. So, if different "Times" actually coexist independently at the same moment forever, they should be able to meet like this.
Jesus also met with Daniel, and countless times with Moses. In the account of Numbers in the Old testament, it is told that Moses met with the Lord face-to-face; and, it's in Paul's New Testament writings that we are told that Jesus is the physical manifestation of God Almighty.

Other people to transcend the boundaries of "Time" are Moses and Elijah. They actually, physically met with Jesus thousands of year past their earthly ministry. These two men were seen with Jesus by 3 others that were totally dumbfounded.

There are other accounts - people seeing visions of people or battles from years long past, thinking they've hallucinated. But, what if they're just transcending "Time"?

Now, don't ask me how we do this - transcend time - I'm still working with this theory. I am not even totally convinced that it's true. It's making sense to me right now, but I am open to the fact that it might be complete bunk, or just a very small piece of the truth of "Time".

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