Monday, October 18, 2004

Cursed blog!

This is no longer holy ground for me. I have found that this space is no longer open for free-flowing ideas - I am mentally editing what I write now. I don't blame it on anyone, but myself. I think a comment that Ali posted in Dating Game is true, and more general than its context there. People will always feel, and I care about what ppl feel. I'm not so concerned w. what they think of me, but I don't want to hurt anyone.

To quote Bon Jovi, "No man is an island." I have these fantasies of how life could/should be; however, one cannot live a life alone. We are all vitally connected to one another. And, in my experience, my ideas are just too unique to be implemented in community. Perhaps if I was the cold no-carer that I used to be, it'd be easy enough to just say, "Fuck it all!" and go find a nice deserted island. But, I love; therefore, I cannot separate myself from others.

I guess now is not the time to change the world.

I'll keep posting, for sure. I love this creative outlet. However, I'll keep those most bizarre ideas to myself. A month here, and I couldn't even get started! Oh, how I would for a space of freedom!


At 10/18/2004 4:16 p.m., Blogger Nietzsche's Girl said...


Like I said at the very beginning, blogging is dangerous. It's essentially a free window into the darkest parts of your subconcious.... and anyone can look in. So yes, you DO have to edit. Another method? A diary. I keep one for my personal relationship stuff, and just use this to vent or ocmmunicate with people. OR, set up an anonymous blog, and don't share the addy. However, I've tried this and found that, when I knew no one was listening, I wasn't compelled to write. WE're inherently seeking contact with others. We are born to love. You can never be seperate. So the sad reality: yes, you should edit... unless you want to just show us all who you really are. It might be offensive and hurtful sometime,s but every argument will make you stronger...

At 10/19/2004 12:52 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

I think I like the idea of an annonymous Blog - I'll just post on a whole bunch of other sites of people I don't know. That should get the attention ;). That way I don't have to worry about offending my friends w. the obserdities that hide w/in the depths of my mind.

Friends, thanks for the feed back and the "I told you so"s - keep 'em coming.


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