Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Dating Game

I think the rules of the Game of Dating have changed in the last couple of decades. I am finding that what is now refered to as Dating used to be called Going Steady several years ago. I think the idea of monogamy has been taken just a tad to far in the society of our young people.
Now, don't misunderstand me - I'm no polygamist. I fully believe that the best form of marriage is one man and one woman, to mature together becoming like one. But, I think it takes time to find who that person is.
I remember my days in High School (I'm 25 now), when I didn't want to be tied down to one girl, but play the field. Now, sure then, I was just out for meat; but, I think I was on to something. I figured it would sure cut down on all the hastle of jealousy. I think I got this idea from a Beach Boys song: "None of the guys go steady b/c it wouldn't be right, to leave the best girl home on a Saturday night..." No more of this "cheeting" BS - we weren't mature for such heavy responsibilites then.
However, nobody else would play by my rules - you "went out" with one person at a time. And, these relationship usually stuck 'til either (or both) of the parties were sick of the other. But, this is how it goes. This is the way the Game is played. And now, our marriages end up just like every other Dating Relationship we've been in. We've developed the habit of just breaking up when things get hard. A lot of my friends might have done better not to have gotten married in the first place - or even started Dating (or Going Steady, or whatever you want to call it).

I see Casual Dating as a viable way to find out what you like and don't like in the opposite sex, as well as a way to learn how to be a Man (or Woman, should that be the case for you) - that is how to treat them right.
Now, I haven't been testing this theory very long; but, my hypothesis is that in Dating Casually, I should be able to find the characteristics that I like in a woman, as well as find out, generally, how woman like to be treated, without the devistation that has come time and again from that "break-up".
There is a lot of Freedom in Casual Dating b/c the rejection factor isn't as intense. If we are seeing more than one person, and haven't put our all into a certain relationship, the pain that does come will be less, and diffused among the other relationships. It's easier to apply what we've just learned b/c we don't have to wait to get back on our feet to get back in the Game - we're still in it. It's just one Play that didn't work, there's still plenty of Game left to win.
Casual Dating also affirms ourselves. We become more confident in ourselves, becoming more complete people. Then, when the time does come to settle down with that Special Someone, we'll have more to give - we won't rely so much on the other person to make us feel complete.
True synergy can happen, and the two of us can be greater than each of us alone. Now, this does happen in most marriages; however, we're so incomplete, that it's the incompleteness that is magnified. But, if we've gone through the process, we'll find a greater appreciation of ourselves, and be able to find the person who compliments our own strengths, and supliments the places where we're weak.

Now, this is all still theory, for the most part. I am just starting to impliment the idea, so I encourage feedback, and I'll keep you posted as to how it all turns out.

Cheers, All!


At 10/15/2004 1:34 p.m., Blogger Nietzsche's Girl said...

Well, I can see where your theory comes from... I myself tried casual dating shortly after getting out of a really long and really messy relationship. And I too thought it would minimize heartache and maximize learning....

However, I forgot to account for simply emotions such as love, affection, and jealousy.

we'll start with the worst: humans are naturally jealous. We want something for us, and dont want to share it. that's why plato's republic got so insane: he was suggesting that they share all the women and children, and then wondered why it wasn't working out when the men started getting jealous. People want to put effort into their OWN things.... not other people's. People want to spoil theur own kids. Even if the neighbors kid deserves the trip to mexico WAY more than your little brat, its still your own kid that you're going to spend the $200o for a plane ticket on. Even if your best friends girlfriend is really down, you're going to buy flowers for your own gf.... Because you care about her more, and put more effort into her. she's "your" thing, and you're wanting to give her all you've got. So, when you start dating numerous people, you can't help but start to feel a bit jealous the second you see them with someone else, regaardless of the philosophy you decided upon first. I refer you to "SLC Punk", a fantastic film about the real underground life of punk music. Despite their agreement to date casually, as soon as the gf character starts to mean something to the main character, he can't handle seeing her with someone else. It drives him crazy.

Ack! Running out of time!
Ok, I'll finish this later.

At 10/15/2004 3:02 p.m., Blogger Jilly said...

Sounds like you just need some girls who are friends. They will provide you with the same information you say you're looking for, without the hurt that will inevitably come playing "The Dating Game".

At 10/15/2004 3:46 p.m., Blogger Hanna said...

All I can say is that I wholeheartedly agree.

At 10/15/2004 4:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10/15/2004 4:34 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Ali and Jilly made very valid points. And there was a time when I would agree with them. Especially, during my last relationship. When we started dating, it was great - we owned each other, and we loved it. But, when the hard times came, I (or we) wasn't mature enough to handle it, and our relationship fell apart. Now, I would be singing a completely different tune if we'd stayed together and worked things out, but it didn't work out that way.
Now, I'm here. I'm trying something that I haven't tried before. I have tried what Ali suggested, and I've been thru what Jilly suggests - which is definitely beneficial, but doesn't teach as well as experience. So, I'll keep going 'til I believe otherwise.

This is some great feedback - thank you all for your comments. Keep 'em coming!

At 10/24/2004 9:03 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said J you obviously put some thought into this long as you are being your TRUE self ..any relationship is the right one for can enjoy each encounter for what it is until it is not....m


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