Monday, November 29, 2004

Jam or Peanut Butter

I'm sitting here just baffled at how long my weekend seemed. I wonder if it's because it was jam-packed full of stuff, or is it more like I was trudging through peanut butter? My perception of time has really gone out the window - I find it hard to see that there was only one day between Friday night and Sunday.
I think the real reason why it seemed like such a long period of time is because I went through a full range of emotions. God's been doing a real number on my soul, mainly using the illustration of a Vision given in Rick Joyner's Final Quest. In this Vision (I capitalize Vision b/c it's the name of the 2-book compilation I'm reading), Rick visits the Judgment Seat of Christ, and is brought to realize the deception he's been living, and is revealed the darkness of his own soul. It's very sobering b/c I chose to enter into this place as he was describing the Vision. And, over these last few days, I've been brought very low.

Yet, there is hope! Jesus is the Redeemer. He has redeemed me - yay, all of us - from the darkness of the soul. He continues to remind me that He sees all of the darkness in my soul - even that which I don't see (it's worse than I suspect!!); but, He still calls me Righteous... Beloved, because His Blood has paid the price - has wiped away all sin.
Even though, I live in this duality, He sees the final purified me over top of this dark soul that I see now. And, even though I can still see the darkness of myself, I am choosing to live by faith in what He says, instead of by what I see. I AM redeemed, I AM His Beloved.
My mind has yet to fully grasp this Truth, or maybe it has yet to take root in my heart... I actually feel like a complete wacko! Because I am self-aware, I can see the two different lives, yet, I am still just one man. I hope I can't be traced from this post by a shrink, or they may send the men in white coats after me!! That may not be a completely bad thing, tho... I hear they place you in a padded room with a new jacket that lets you hug yourself all the time (lol)!


At 11/30/2004 3:32 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

I got interested to read these visions.but where is Jesus living now?I really want to know it one day & also see him & have a speech with him.(by the way I love PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!!!)

At 12/01/2004 12:10 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Peanut Butter is one of God's greatest creations!! I am amazed at what tastes good with it! So far, I've found it works with the following:

Miracle Whip or Mayo

Let me know if there's anything else that it works with, I'm eager to try it out!

At 12/02/2004 2:09 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

Wow ! it sounds great,man!although I'm famous for mixing every thing together,but I'd never eat peanut butter with all these stuffs.well,the onion is really interesting!anyway,whenever I found a new compound I will write it in your daily post's comments.Hitherto I had eat it just with every kind of bread!

At 12/02/2004 5:51 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Yeah - bread is great! One of my favorite snacks is PB & Miracle Whip rolled up in some faltbread!

At 12/02/2004 8:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

try spreading it on celery...yummmmy....and J knock knock..YOUR ROOM IS READY!!!!!!!!!! just kidding...Lee has a famous quote too.."we are ALL things" so ya you are feeling split...but your not....we are one...and when you learn to feel integrated as "self" it all flows together without judgment..we are ALL things...what we choose to live loudest and share with the world is is an expression of part of our being...but we have other parts..our fears, our "evil" thoughts...our shame...but I have come to understand that when I feel congruent is when I am honest with myself and live my best truth..outwardly and inwardly. accepting all aspects of me, allows me to JUST BE!! Remembering that we are all "a work in progress"....amen...M

At 12/02/2004 9:48 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

I love the way you word your thoughts, here, M (are you the one who gives 007 his missions? LOL). I think the desparity I'm feeling now, is from expressing a part of myself in the wrong time. It is true, we are ALL things - God created us to be who we are. I think you mentioned in a "Come Down!" comment that sin could be thought of as choosing something you know doesn't lead to our greatest good; yet, even then God uses these opportunities to Redeem us... to lead us into unity with Himself.
There is no end to His redemptive strategy. Just as Paul (and Lee) said he was ALL things, he also says that God works out everything for our Good.


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