Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Come Down!

If you haven't hear every song on Kevin Prosch's Palanquin album, I think you may be missing out. If you know me, ask to borrow it from me; if you don't, find a way to purchase it - there are a few online bookstores that carry it (try Friends of the Bridegroom in the US and Fresh Fire in Canada).
Kevin's lyrics are so honest, as he shares the pain he feels of living in this fallen world, yet being in love with Jesus. In such a time as this, I totally relate to many of these songs of brokenness and hope. Here, I'm sharing the lyrics from a song that describes my soulish struggle over the last while:

Come Down

Into my hands, have come many things
You should be disappointed, for I have wasted most of these
My innocence and youth - I poured them out like water
And to think to You that I am, God, still worth saving from the fire.

Come down and meet with me
You make my day so sweet
Inflame my soul, Oh God
With a cry for purity

Like horses that are yoked to the chariots of kings
Hook me up to Your heart, to Your heart God, never to be free

Too many compromises to get me through the day
Help me make the choices - sometimes I am afraid
When I'm deaf to everything, but the cry of my own pain
Give me the grace to trust you - I cannot walk away
Don't disappoint me God, not while I am... not while I am trusting You again!

If I fall down in darkness, and this weakness comes to me
Hold Your scepter out to come banging on Your Door... I'm banging on Your Door!!

Come down from the top of that mountain,
Rise up from the bottom of the sea!
I empty out the pockets of my life
With nothing to bring, but my iniquities

I can't wait to lay my head down upon Your breast, God
I want to see Your face - kiss the nail marks in Your hands
People think You're just some image from a time so long ago
Not the God that I believe in, who rearranged my world
'Cause the death and resurrection of Your Beloved Son
And the mystery of the Cross and the power of His Blood
You change the things about me I cannot change myself
And, You love me in my sin - You're the God of all my help

And, in my darkest hour, if weakness comes to me
Hold the scepter out to come banging on Your Door... I'm banging on Your Door!

Come down from the top of that mountain
Rise up from the bottom of the sea
I empty out the pockets of my life
With nothing to bring, but my iniquities

Come down, Oh Heavenly Fountain
Rise up on the inside of me!
I empty out the pockets of my life
With nothing to bring but my iniquities

I worship you, Lord!!

This song always reminds me that, though I live in a fallen state, He is ALWAYS there to lead, to guide, to love! He NEVER leaves us, nor forsakes us. Like Esther, when she approached the king when she really shouldn't have - in fact, according to the law, she should have been killed for approaching him - he extended his scepter in mercy, actually longing for some time with his beloved bride. This is the mercy our King extends to us! When we don't deserve to approach Him, He extends His mercy, inviting us to approach Him with boldness!!
How wonderful is our Christ?!!


At 12/02/2004 2:13 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

J,it's really nice;especially these parts:

"Like horses that are yoked to the chariots of kings
Hook me up to Your heart, to Your heart God, never to be free"

"People think You're just some image from a time so long ago
Not the God that I believe in, who rearranged my world"

have a nice time under this nice God's protections.

At 12/02/2004 8:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok so just WHO doesn't deserve to be in his presence? J if God is in us and of us and more than us...surely we are all deserving. We are lead by our spirits, souls hearts and ego....NONE is wrong no actions would turn God away or have us BEG for forgiveness...A God of Love will always accept us even in our "humanness". I am pondering my meaning of SIN these far..I think Sin is knowing what is not the best choice for your life and choosing it anyway....having said that...I don't believe we can be WRONG in our choices as they all lead to experience...and learning (hopefully)...and create more opportunity to choose again..always reaching for our HIGHEST GOOD....celebrating our although I hear the anguish many feel in songs such as this...I think is it the EGO part of us that thinks in WORKS....trying to live up to EXPECTATIONS of what others preach to us is causing much angst...Listen to your HEART...your inner voice that says.."i love you" no matter what...and live life for the experiences and the joy..not by the RULES and judgements....amen and got on a rampage.. M

At 12/02/2004 9:39 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

M, you have some great thoughts, here; tho, I would say that we are of God, and not Him of us. Maybe I'm just being semantic, but perhaps not.
I have found some fantastic meaning in this place - it's ok, and maybe even good, to feel some degree of separation from God. Even though we will never be apart from Him, being in this place causes one - or myself, at least - to press more into the vastness of God... into the part of God that is still greater than I am.
Perhaps, if we always think we're fine just the way we are (which we are, but...), we may have the tendancy to make God just a projection of ourselves instead of the other way around - we might make ourselves to be greater than God.
It is true that we never arrive, and there is always another opportunity to choose - it is God's grace to us. He is constantly wooing us toward that Greater Good, which is complete Oneness with Him - even Oneness with the Him that is greater than us!


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