Monday, February 01, 2010

Who lays out Pharmacy Isles?

Today, I was waiting to get a prescription and had nothing to do but kill time. I walked up and down the isles in the pharmacy and had to stop in one isle and take a double take... actually, I stopped and almost laughed out loud.

First off, it's the isle with the "Family Planning" materials. Hidden at the top corner was a... wait for it.... wait for it....

A SINGLE USE VIBRATOR! For 20min, ladies can pleasure themselves at $20 a pop!

I want make this clear. You can buy a vibrator - yes, a female sex toy - at SAVE-On-FOODS!

But wait! It gets better!

Lower down in the same isle was a product called ANUSOL! In the same isle you can pick up a female pleasure tool and a product called ANUSOL! ALL AT A GROCERY STORE!!

Granted, the Anusol is an Hemroid ointment, but I just think they could have done a little better planning... or maybe the Pharmacist has a great sense of humor!


At 2/02/2010 7:31 p.m., Anonymous Jenn said...

So my question was "who buys for Save on Foods?" or "who is requesting/buying these products so much that they feel the need to stock them"???


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