Monday, December 06, 2004

Other people's mistakes

How do you deal with other people's mistakes that directly affect you? I just lost a client at work b/c another department continually messed up. Now, it's not a huge deal - it'll just cost me $30 or so - but, things like this happen all the time. Usually, we're just making excuses, trying to absolve ourselves of responsibility for when things go awry; but, there are times when other people's mistakes do affect us directly.
Actually, I feel like repremanding this other people, and remind them of how often these mistakes happen, but that won't accomplish anything. It'll just make them feel crappy, which really doesn't help anyone. I would like to see a better job done, tho; so, what can I do to help them?
How do I avoid my natural reaction to lash-out? Well, it's quite easy right now b/c the Lord is revealing to me much of the darkness of my soul, and am realizing how often my actions have caused others actual pain, not just a lost dollar. God's shown me much grace in my life, the least I can do is extend grace to others.
Now, before you get all, "how like Jesus..." - I am not being like Him at all. Jesus extends grace freely, I only do it b/c I see ppl as just as deserving as myself. Jesus never needed grace - He never missed the mark. Maybe someday I will extend grace w/o thinking of my own fallen state - give grace just for the sake of giving grace; but, until then, I pray that the Lord will continue to work in me. Freely, I have received grace - freely, I should give it.


At 12/07/2004 10:22 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

Once again this morning, I am trying not to errupt due to other people's incompetance. I have been waiting for a business transaction to go through for a month; but, unfortunately I have to wait for 3 middle-men to get their deal/act/shit (whatever you want to call it) together. Everyday for the last 4 it's been, "it'll be all ready to go today." I'm so tired of being let down by these people - it's been such a long time since I've worked with people whom you just can't trust what they say.

Now's the time to extend grace. Because just 2 days ago, I finally made good on a promise that I made to a friend almost 4 yrs ago. It seemed too little, too late. So, God please give me the grace to forgive and move on, here.
He is so wonderful, tho. As I was driving back to work, I saw a rainbow around the sun. If you recall the story of Noah, a rainbow is a sign of God's Grace Covenant with man - when God said He'd never flood the earth to destroy man again. He was saying to me, "J, don't worry about it. I AM still in control of it all. Peace be with you."
I pray that I'll hear that Still, Small Voice in the ears of my heart all day, today because my soul is still trying to settle that frustration of this week.

God be praised!

At 12/07/2004 1:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you are saying is so true about grace and how we don't deserve it! Each time I am frustrated about someone else infringing on me, or causing me to look bad to other people, I have two options. I can attack the person who let me down, or I can wait for my anger to pass. I find that no matter what I choose, I always end up in the same place: recognizing once again that I am also 'one of those people' often, and that in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. What matters more is loving other people. I'm not saying that we should not confront or address problems, but it must be done with the other person's best interests in mind, not our egos.

This was not meant to preach, but just to remind myself and reaffirm what you said about not lashing out to other people. I do believe that we are called not only to love others, but to help them, and helping does not always mean ignoring problems.

That all said, I hope your day comes out better in the end.

At 12/07/2004 4:31 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...


Jesus is our prophet and God choosed him as a human,to tell us we could (& should) act like him too ;and take our steps just like him,I'd hear a phrase from a wiseman that is helpful for purification of our souls:"There is a pleasure in forgiveness that is absent in revenge."
If a person lives for God ,then it's not important how do other people think about his reactions.

(by the way take you heart's hearings serious,hope you get success in your business transaction)



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