Friday, January 14, 2011

Where Sin Abides

I watched most of an episode of "American Masters" last night. It's a show that profiles someone famous, and last night I watched Jeff Bridges. I don't know how, but his seemingly most famous role is in The Big Labowski, and one of the famous lines quoted by Sam Elliot is, "The Dude Abides..." It's so famous, and penitrating, that when Jeff Bridges formed a band after his role in "Crazy Heart", he decided to call it The Abiders.
I have to admit, I quite enjoy that movie. I love The Dude.

That show I watched, along with a great FB conversation I've been having with a friend have inspired me to write again. It's not the BIG thing I'd been camping on a while ago that I'd alluded to, but I think it's still worthy of an "Odd Thought".


It's no secret that I'm a Christian. It is also no secret that I enjoy 'the drink'. Most who know me also know that I am lazy - not just lazy by Christian standards (but, who can live up to Christian - the religious ones, I mean - standards, anyway???), but when compared to many, I'm pretty lazy. I love to do what I want to do, WHEN I want to do it. I'm so passive in my doing that my sister has often told people that I have horseshoes up my ass b/c I don't do anything, yet I still succeed. Call it my Spiritual gift... the only way I can explain it is b/c God blesses me! :)

You know, I want to be perfect. I really want to live up to what the Bible says I CAN be. But, truthfully, I cannot MAKE any of that happen. When I TRY to be effective or efficient, I get depressed. Those around me suffer. I can't count how many times I've failed in business or relationships when TRYING to do something other than what I AM. Of course, there are many times that I don't do what I want to do, when I want to do it; and, of course, I get depressed, and those around me suffer, too (I guess there's being lazy, then there's being LAZY!). But, I guess my point is, that I've got to be who I AM.
While "The Dude" was not someone any of us aspire to be like, The Big Labowski really makes a point of being true to one's self. Though, I know I'm not perfect (yet, aspire to be... kinda), I know that I AM Beloved. Jesus' death and resurrection has conquered sin. It's because of that LOVE that I know I can stand before GOD ALMIGHTY and know that I am PERFECT in His eyes. I have no fear of His anger or disapproval. He has made a WAY, that even though 'sin abides' in my life (laziness, drinking, among others), He can and DOES love me completely.
I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-40)

I know I'm cool with HIM!


At 1/14/2011 7:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for a bit of lazy the world wouldn't be where it is today. The car isn't for people who can't wait to walk to work. The computer wasn't invented so people could do more math, and so on.


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