Monday, October 25, 2004

Going out

I love going out!! I don't think it has much to do with the fact that I live with 3 grown men in a house less than 1000 sqft, but it could have some impact on me.

I love eating out - I really enjoy having a sit-down meal with someone to bring me food and drink. I like it b/c I can just relax, if I'm by myself; or, when I'm with someone else, I can focus on them more.

I also like going out to events of many sorts. Last night I went to a comedy act at one of the concert halls in town here - kind of a classy place. I like getting dressed up for things like this - I like looking and feeling like a million bucks!
I think we should all treat ourselves everyonce in a while. I try to do it at least twice a year - I'll get them both in within a few weeks,as I'm going to another show in mid-Nov. Now, if only I could find anyone who'd like to go to a skiing event at the Winspear. Ohterwise, I'll be the 3rd wheel at an event that _I_ planned to attend... That just wouldn't be nice :-s
Anyone wanna come?


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