Thursday, December 09, 2004

To Blave

Ever seen The Princess Bride? It's a great movie! So funny, and so romantic. One of my favorite parts is when Inigo and Fezzik take The Man In Black (no, not Johnny Cash) to Miracle Max, and try to buy the Man's resurrection - well, it's not a true resurrection b/c he's only mostly dead. Now, even though True Love is the Noble Cause of the movie, it's not really what wins out in this resurrection ceremony - True Love isn't the reason why Max does the miracle.

God uses everything for good - even in the movies. You see, Miracle Max only agreed to do the miracle after he heard that Westley (Man In Black) would embarrass Humperdink (watch the movie if you're not tracking). Revenge was the motivation that won out here. But, in the end, it really was True Love that triumphed.
And I see that quite often in my life. There are many actions and motivations that are not pure, or "Right", however, somehow - some way - God brings good out of it. This is the wonder and mystery of God - of Love. He always gives, He always uplifts and calls forth the best.

It's so easy to become cynical in this world. Everywhere we look we see the effects of a fallen world. But, if that's what we see, we don't see the Truth. Jesus died to redeem the fallen Creation. He rose from the grave to conquer death - once and for ALL. Whether you believe the Evangelical Gospel (you have to accept Christ's gift of life) or the Grace Gospel (He died, we're all saved, and there's nothing we can do or not do to undo it), the earth is spiritually redeemed. See, Man is the only Creation with a will; therefore, everything's else is surely redeemed. The world is redeemed!
If you're feeling cynical about this world, ask God to show it to you through His eyes. Let Him transform you by renewing your mind - ask Him to open the eyes of your heart to allow you to see a Holy Creation. It is a wonderful gift to see things from His perspective - even in a very limited sense. If we allow Him, He will expand our ability to comprehend His ways and His view.


At 12/09/2004 4:21 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

I'm very sorry, I haven't seen it;but I will get it from a video-club as soon as possible,but what's your idea about GLADIATOR?I love it's love!or let's go to cartoons(please don't think I'm TOO kid!!)the true love in SHRECK is really great;I think it made a new viewpoint in this industry!

We can see the PARADISE & the HELL both,here.
The things that seem to us as the fallen world and the redeemed earth,originate from our acts;Sir Jesus saved us,but not to forget our wills (the salientest God's trust to Man).He did it to avoid any despairs from God's mercies.

I really wish God transforms me in His way,by changing my mind & my heart's eyes.
J!if you have the same wish,let's pray for each other!

My brother!take care of yourself

At 12/09/2004 4:22 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

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At 12/09/2004 8:25 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

I love Shrek!!! I just finished watching it! :-D

In fact, a few of us on Tues were just saying how Shrek and Jesus share some characteristics - especially when he first rescues Fiona.
Jesus really is One of a kind - He rescues us in a way that is so contrary to what the world would have us believe is the 'right' way to redeem a Bride.
Similarly, we are like Fiona, thinking we have the right idea what beauty is in the eyes of our Man. When we look into His eyes and say, "But, I'm supposed to be beautiful (or pure, or righteous, or holy)..." He always says, "But, you are beautiful..."

How I long to see myself and others the way our Lord sees us. True Love NEVER fails!

At 12/13/2004 5:27 a.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

Your compare is really interesting for me.yes,...I can accept it very well,because far away I had a same comparison for another cartoon:"DADDY LONG LEGS"
Whenever I think about it I can replace myself in (Judy)'s place,when Sir Jesus is my (daddy long legs)!
Maybe you ask me why?Ok, because:
1)All of us are orphans & He is our only guardian,daddy & haven.
2)He always saves us,but we know about our real savior less.
3)He always supports us with His special warm hands but without releasing any addresses for us to thanks our sponsor.
4)He knows us as better as ourselves.
5)He always shares His love & blessings with us_specially with His prayers for us_
6)He loves us as a real compassionate daddy;even if we dont know Him as our daddies.
7)We are looking for Him everywhere,whiles He is living with us.
8)He,himself is the reachest person in the world(in every field)but when He is in love with us,He likes us only because ourselves & nothing else(however we are real poors)

At 12/13/2004 10:12 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

I love how the Lord speaks through movies. I have a good friend who saw Return of the King (Lord of the Rings) 12 or more times in the theatre because God was almost shouting to him throughout! He's been pining for the DVD release for weeks - it comes out Tuesday, Prase God!
I am coming to realize more and more that Jesus just wants to talk to us all the time - all we have to do is "listen". He speaks through movies, through friends, through the snow, the wind, rainbows... everywhere! It's fantastic to hear our Daddy speak to us!

Jesus, give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.

At 12/15/2004 2:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, actually, that Paul would say that the whole world (all of creation, actually) is being redeemed; in fact, I believe he says that it groans and waits expectantly... C. S. Lewis would probably even argue that creation's redemption is only found completely in humanity's cooperation with God in the process - which (here my sovereigntist views come out)will come to pass even when our cooperation is limited, reluctant or hesitant.

What a mighty God!


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