Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Always a Bridesman, Never A Bride!

Well, it turns out that it may not be as easy to perform the ceremony for my mom's wedding as we thought. So, the alternative is... Bridesman! Ever here of a Bridesman before? Me neither! But, I'm honored!
I've been involved in a few weddings: I've been the Best man, the MC, I've been the date of a Bridesmaid... even thought of getting engaged a couple of times. But, I've never even thought about being a Bridesman.
In case you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about... my mother asked my sister and I to stand with her at the alter. I guess my sister would be the Maiden of Honor, and I would be the... Man of Honor?
My mom's husband will be doing the same with his kids - his daughter will be the Best Woman, and his son will be the Best Man. I already know his daughter will look great in a suit, but how will I look in a dress? Will I be able to find something that both flatters my figure and goes with what the rest of the wedding party is wearing? ROTFLOL, if you have a good imagination!

I am thinking that these are days of inspiration. You see, my mom isn't going for a non-traditional wedding to be weird or different, or to make a point. We all want to be part of something that is ripe with meaning. My mom and dad-to-be both know that this wedding is not just about them and their life together. They aspire to inspire - this wedding is about the Eternal purposes of Life. It's a Big Picture occasion. What this wedding starts doesn't end with the "I do"s, nor with the cutting of the cake. No, this day will effect the hearts of many for the rest of our lives.
And, it's such a blessing to be a part of something like this!


At 1/20/2005 7:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

J..we are as honored to have you with us...I am glad we can share our love and light with others..makes what we do more special...always better to be the "teacher" than the "doer" is love M

At 2/03/2005 5:32 p.m., Blogger Nietzsche's Girl said...

My sister is getting married and my little brother is the matron of honor. Her fiance's sister is the best man. I dont think the old tradition of bridesmaids and men is as important as being there for the ones you love at such an important time. Wear a suit, and stand beside your mother with pride.


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