Thursday, January 06, 2005

For those who care

You know, I was just thinking about blogs, and who frequents them. For the most part, the people who comment on this blog are people who know me outside of the online world. The interesting thing is, I think there are only about 3 of the dozen, or so commentors that were referred to this site by myself. The others found it by traveling through various comment sections of other friends' blogs - that's actually how I found my first blog, through another site.
There are only a few blogs that I frequent that I didn't first find through someone else's site - ones that I found in the "Recently Updated" section on the Dashboard. This leads me to think that blogs are really only read by people who care about you, or are actually interested in what you have to say. I think for the most part, the people who frequent this site are the former, since I tend to blab on more than type interesting and meaningful content.

Blogging is an interesting thing. For me, it's a way to express certain things that I either don't have an opportunity to express elsewhere, or don't feel it's a good idea to express around others. Now, since it's mostly friends who frequent this site, there really is no real anonymity; but, it kinda feels that way. Stuff on this site - to me, anyway - somehow feels removed.
But, blogging is also a way for people to know me better. Here, you can get a look at another part of me that doesn't get fully expressed offline, or around certain people. Here, I truly do become all things to all people - or all myself to all people. I don't have to keep switching masks, as we all tend to do when we're around different people. If I wear any mask at all, here, it's just a mask of caution, of contemplation. I don't want to vent too harshly b/c I do care how what I write affects others. But, there is a disclaimer written somewhere in the archives by one of the commentors of this site about reading at your own risk. I think it's written somewhere in the Good Book that we should neither seek to offend, nor take offense.

Unfortunately, tonight, I'm only blogging for the sake of blogging. I haven't written anything in a few days, and I have some time to myself, so I figured I should write something. I hope my ponderings are at least mildly amusing.

Good night, all!


At 1/07/2005 12:49 a.m., Blogger Re-Buy Rob said...

Worst blog ever...I was on the internet within minutes to show my disgust to the world.

And yes you're right about the world of blogs

At 1/07/2005 11:24 a.m., Blogger J Man said...

So, I find out that Guy's been reading my blog for months now, and never mentioned it; and Caileya, who's been reading it for months, doesn't really think much about it.
This bloggin life just keeps getting more and more interesting....

At 1/08/2005 5:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok so ever hear of "conguent"? what's with the Mask thing...when you learn to be more "yourself" in more wear LESS masks...which in my mind equals...freedom, ease, confidence, trust, and a peace of mind that others know who I am as well as I do.....hugs...m

At 1/09/2005 1:12 a.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

I'm one of those who seem wears a Mask in the world of blogs.
Although I'm agree with Anonymous, but I think sometimes if you know,you are well-known ,you try to be perfect in the minds or try to show yourself better than what you really are,& it's because of some strange barriers(masks) that work more stronger than an Anonymous Mask,so I prefer to use this funny mask as the only distance between me & my online friends.

By the way,take a little look,please:
Doctor:Paul,why don't you take your medicines regulary & ontime?
Paul:well,I want to make the microbes surprised with my raids!!

Just a little kidding!...God bless you.

At 1/09/2005 1:12 a.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

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