Thursday, January 13, 2005

Some thoughts....

I'm sitting here with some time to kill, so I figured I'd do some blogging. I stopped off at a friend's site, and was quite inspired by a post that I'd already read; so, being the blabbing typer that I am, I Commented again (here's the post - - be inspired, too!).

How often are the Ways of God so contrary to what we think they should be? I mean, so often we think we've got it all figured out, when really we're just as confused as the next person - maybe even moreso! Oh, how I wish I could perceive the Spiritual reality - Eternity. We're so trapped by the limitations of Time - at least our perception of Time, anyway.
If only we could truly grasp how God sees everything. He knows the beginning from the end, or is it the other way around?? It's probably both. I think that's why True Wisdom & Maturity is total dependence on God. Only He knows what's best - we're most often left in a guessing game.

I'm inspired to seek the Lord's Way more often after what transpired a couple of days ago when I asked Him about my friend's pregnancy. I mean, all I had to do was ask in faith. And, even though I didn't have much faith in my faith (how ironic!), and had to ask several times and in different ways, He just responded - every time I asked!
But, how can you be sure you're hearing His Voice when you ask? Well, He said to Jeremiah, a few thousand years ago, that He'd write His Word on our hearts; plus, there is about 4,000 years (more, if you want to say Creation was written when the world was created!) worth of Him recorded in the Bible. In all the time of the world, He has never changed! But, I do believe that it is most important to listen to that Still, Small Voice that He whispers in our hearts. If we just go with Scripture, we tend to put Him in the box of our minds, which is infinitely too limited for God! My heart quite often convicts me of this limitation every time I listen to academics, or try to academize Scripture myself.

However, living from our hearts is scary. It's so counter-cultural. We live in such an intelectual world, that anything that cannot be seen in a concrete fashion is just not 'true'. Our society trumpets individualism - we only approach wisdom and maturity as we become more and more individual.
But, if we listen to our heart, it tells us exactly the opposite! Our heart screams, "The Truth is outside the box of intelectualism!" And shouts, "Depend on God, be interdependent with everyone! We're all One with God!"
It sounds so odd, that we shut it down. We stifle that Voice within, and try to fit in - oh, the irony that 'fitting in' means being more alone!
We're all different - and that's a good thing. Actually, that's the only way that we're all the same! Of course, we're all worth the same - each person's life is of equal value. But, each and every one of us has a very unique and completely different contribution to make to Life; and, we have to Be, in order to help society move forward - to draw closer to the Lord. If we do what everyone else is doing, we stop the growth of humanity - Life becomes stagnant. And, if we stop to listen to that Voice in our hearts, we'll very soon realize that it's in our differences that We are Truly strong. As we work as One - because our differences actually compliment each other - we create a synergy that moves us closer to Eternity. I once heard it said that any time a person lives completely from their heart - even if just for a second - they effect the world for Eternity.


Wow... That was some deep stuff. I pray that it's a blessing to everyone. May the eyes & ears of our hearts be Opened!


At 1/18/2005 4:02 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

1)Hi there,
2)I know that "Time" is an incognito created that seems limits us in our lifetime's frame,& probably this "time" has a different meaning in the Eternity;but sometimes I think with myself,that "getting a PERFECT MAN" who God expects us,can't occur during a simple human's life or with these repetitious daily events,or these too many kinds of sin that can deceive us,just with a little wink!!or knowing nearly Nothing about what's going on & what's OUR real THEOREM?!!,or...
It's about becoming a real man,it's not a kid & it needs a lot of continual exercises,but what should we do with these lots of limitations & question marks?
So,I think God's WISDOM necessitates some "beyond human intellect"-or supernatural-ways to lead us into the Spiritual reality- Eternity,& certainly these events are occuring second by second,but as you said before "we should only listen"& understand.
3)congratulations for your mom's wedding & your other good news.
4)I'm sorry,but in my last comment my intention of donates was:Doughnut!!!
5)Have you ever seen (Back in the habit 2)I saw it for the second time last week,I love the way that sister (Mary Klarence) acts as a teacher for that nice youth.
6)I think your comment box doesn't have any more places,even for breathing!!!so...bye!by the way,if my long comments bother you,please let me know.

7)Love: ~one of those who-YOU THINK!-care~

At 1/19/2005 12:25 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Zorro, keep those comments coming - if we run out of space here, we'll rent some more webspace!! Ha!

I think PB on Donuts would be great - I've done it on stale donuts that have gotten hard. It's amazing what Peanut Butter can do for anything stale, or cooked too much!

Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit was good, but I still like the original better. But, it is inspiring to see how the Lord can reveal Himself, in both these movies, using a "non-Christian" lounge singer. His desire is to reveal Himself, and He uses EVERYTHING that He has to do so.

I know you're a busy guy these days w. school, but I really appreciate the comments you leave here - make 'em as long as you want! :) Bless you and your studies!

At 1/20/2005 7:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN! Living from our heart is living our "truth" the mind/ego can decieve and lead us astray..(Idon't think we NEED the devil to do it) "Tomorrow's God" talks about this idea of ONENESS...if we truly believed that we are all of God then we would never treat each other the way we do...if we are all one..working toward a common destiny..reunification with God.. our individuality will keep the journey interesting. If God knows the beginning and end..why then if we trust in HIM do we even fret about where we are going? Just enjoy the journey..travelling the paths that lead us closer to God..he leads through our HEARTS and Souls. I also think that any choices we make along the way are RIGHT and WRONG just better and not so smart..but all choices lead us to where we are..don't like where you are..make different is simple when lived in love and not trying to fit into the "societal box"...enjoy life to live and live to love..... always..M


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