Saturday, March 12, 2005

Written Inspiration

I've been on the road a lot lately, and have missed reading and writing in the blogworld. But, I've been having a great time reading a couple of good books - have another promising one waiting to be picked up as well! I've noticed that a couple of other friends are being inspired by some good books, too. Reading is quite important, I believe. Remember one of the books I was reading when I first started this blog - Love Is the Killer App? It says a lot of how important reading is.
I think reading different books - even different styles of books - helps to awaken the inner self in a way that other media, and ways of interacting with people, just can't. I think that's why the Christian Faith puts so much emphasis on reading the Bible. When we can tap into God's Voice in the Written Word, it pierces us in tremendous ways. The writer of Hebrews says, "God's Word is sharper than any two-edged sword that pierces and cuts asunder..."

I don't want to detract from the Strength and Weight of the Bible, but I know that God will speak to us in everything; so, I want to encourage everyone to pick up a book - something that appeals to you in any way (intellect, emotion, imagination...) - and seek God out. If you seek, you will find - He promises that.

Happy Reading!


At 3/13/2005 3:36 p.m., Blogger Zorro! said...

I agree .the value of reading is equal to the value of eating,I had a teacher who believed that,If we don't read anymore,indeed, we will bright up such as cows!!

But I don't think EVERY KIND of books,are worth their once reading.
Reading can affect the soul a lot,some books are as poisoner for soul as cyanide is for body,they can kill the spirit very cruely.


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