Wednesday, February 16, 2005

No TV for a while....

Well, it's official. I won't be watching TV again for quite some time, as the only thing I really like to watch has been canceled. That's right! If you haven't seen the latest headlines, exactly 35 minutes ago, the NHL season has been called off. I was always holding on to hope, especially in the last couple of days when negotiations finally began (for real).
I guess it's time to break down and go watch the Roadrunners in person. Rumor has it that tix are only $10 or $15 - can't really beat the price for Rexal Place entertainment. Plus, I may as well support the company that owns my beloved Oilers - do what I can to keep the team around.

Now, I will hold a moment of silence.................................


At 2/20/2005 6:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alas, I can't remember my password to save my I'll just announce that it is Rob.

I too mourn the loss of NHL hockey in my own peculiar way. I have lit a candle to signify my mourning for all to see...or at least for the people that can see the candle from where they are standing.

And now that I have that candle burning in the basement, I should proably keep an eye on it, since the last time I left a candle unattended, I almost burnt down the house.

Maybe this whole candle idea wasn't all that well thought out.

That is all...


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