Friday, February 11, 2005

Robbie Williams' Angels

I just heard a song that I quite enjoy: Angels by Robbie Williams. It's kind of a lament about how he's lost his faith in the love that a woman can provide. When I was introduced to this song by a friend, it was their aspiration to love like one these Heavenly Hosts.... seems like an impossible goal, doesn't it.
I know quite a few people who seem to have lost hope in actually loving, or being loved. There is quite a lack of love in this world, that sometimes there is little hope of finding Love - we seem to be such an apathetic people. But, I've never been one to conform! :)
The apathy in our lives is the very reason I long to be a person who loves. We all deserve so much more than is evident in this world; and, I believe it is my Life Mission - my Calling, if you will - to awaken and inspire the Love within us. It's been in us all since the beginning - we got that Love when God breathed into Adam... it's the God-part of us, that we all share.
But, for some reason, most of us seem to think it doesn't exist. This belief is what makes many Christians say that we're not part of this world, and that we don't belong with "those others". It's also what makes many people say that they're too bad for God to love. So many of us seem to think that we are intrinsically evil. I don't buy it. Would God create something that's essentially evil, then call it "Very Good"?
"But, that was before 'The Fall'," some would say. But, I counter that with, "We're living after 'The Cross'." As Paul said, if the sin of one man affected us all, how much more would the righteousness of the One redeem all? What was deposited in us to give us Life, is still there. We just need it to be awakened, or 'Born Again', to let that Life strengthen us once again.
As Jesus showed when He walked the earth - and continues to show by His Spirit in us - Love is the way to fullness. He's the only One who can strengthen us to live like my friend aspires to - to Love like Angels. Oh Lord, may it be so!


At 2/11/2005 3:33 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Here are the lyrics to Robbie William's Angels:

I sit and wait
does an angel contemplate my fate?
and do they know
the places where we go
when we're grey and old?
'cause I've been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold

so when I'm lying in my bed,
thoughts running through my head
and I feel that love is dead,
I'm loving angels instead

and through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
whether I'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
when I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

when I'm feeling weak
and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
and I know ill always be blessed with love
and as the feeling grows
she breathes flesh to my bones
and when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

and through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
whether I'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
when I come to call she wont forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

At 3/12/2005 10:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the bible says " love thy neighbors AS you LOVE YOURSELF" so you must love yourself first in order to recognize how to love others....can't give what you don't YOU FIRST!! M


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