Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Wedding Bells are ringing

Well this seems to be the year of the bride! I posted a while ago that my mom is getting married this fall, which has made me quite excited. I also found out earlier this year that another friend is getting hitched this summer - I was planning on heading to the Coast for that wedding, but plans changed, so I'll only be able to hit the reception here in Edm.
Then I found out that two good friends of mine are heading to Hawaii in about a week to tie the knot! How romantic! They're getting married on a beach at sunset! Can you believe it?! I'm sending a camera with them to capture the memories!
Now, just last weekend, I learned that my sister is engaged! Her beau proposed at one of her favorite places in the world, on their 6 yr dating anniversary! What a guy! He even took the time to have the Man-to-Man chat with our Dad before they went on the trip - had my sister in tears! I am so happy for the two of them!

With all of these weddings on the horizon has yours truly thinking a lot about his own singleness. I'm about ready for the single J to die, and for the married J to be born.
Life seems to be a series of rebirths. In evangelical Christianity, we talk about being Born Again when we 'invite Jesus into our hearts'. From then on, we're a new being - so our theology tells us.
However, I'm finding that, even in my own spirituality and life with God, I am constantly being Reborn. As I gain new revelation, and learn more about humanity, part of me is always dyeing, just as another part is being born for the first time, or maybe for the umpteenth time. I don't think we ever arrive.
That seems to be the arrogance of most of the major religions - each of us seem to think we've found God... and that's it. He fits in a box, and it's our box (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.). It's folly to say that God fits only one box.
Oh, I believe He does fit in a box, alright. But, I think His box is all of us. When He breathed into Adam, He gave the first man His Spirit. And, this first man is at the head of every family tree - we all come from this first man's life - so, why wouldn't we all have this same Spiritual Life that God gave Him?
This is what I believe is the fundamental message of the Gospel of Jesus. Every religion believes that something has to be done in order for man to be in a right-relationship with God. So, Jesus did something! He gave Himself as the sacrifice for all time, so that men - no matter who they are, or where they came from - can know God. No penance, no sacrifice, no good deeds to earn our way into heaven.
No, God became a man, in Jesus, so that He could show the way - once for all - to Himself. If we follow Jesus, we'll find God. And, we don't have to wait until we die to do so! He's alive and among/within us even now. That is the hope of the Gospel. And, that is why we can continually be Reborn - it's God within us that is continually revealing Himself in the box of ourselves.

Crazy theology, I know. But, it keeps me going. I pray it's a blessing to you.


At 4/13/2005 10:16 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

For a great insight on Christianity read "Christian Prototypes by Andy Fletcher" at Sometimes I'm Funny At Night -

At 4/14/2005 4:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it's time not only for you to become spiritually married, but actually married too, eh?

At 4/17/2005 8:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey J, i actually don't have your email address, so thought I'd just leave a comment here. I just started my blog at xanga...the address is

At 4/17/2005 8:51 p.m., Blogger J Man said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, Jen. There's one problem, tho... I think the addy you gave is for your own personal sign in - I see no blog when I go there.


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