Is obedience by the Book?
I had a wonderful revelation last night. I'm not sure if it was in a dream, or as I was falling asleep; but, God showed me the difference between being a slave to the Law, and being obedient to Him.
I think many - if not most - Christians are slaves to the Law. We follow what's written in the Bible because it's written in the Bible. We've made the Word our god. We idolize words on a page because they were inspired by God. That's just as bad as idolizing spiritual gifts - going to church and gatherings to be knocked over by the Spirit, filled with laughter, or speaking words that are beyond comprehension.
The Word and Gifts are great, desirable; but, they shouldn't supersede devotion to the One who gives them.
When one is walking in obedience, you will see him follow the commands and decrees of God, you'll see him walking in the gifts of the Spirit; however, those are not his motivation. No, they are fruit, born from an intimate relationship with the Living God.
People these days seem to be afraid to "follow God" because they see people in the 'Church' living lives of desperation, striving to live by a Book. It's not fun! Instead, people say they're going to "follow their heart". This is what God is asking for! The only problem is that many people who are following their heart aren't in tune with God. They are in tune with their fleshly desires. They've stilled the voice of their hearts, and follow the voice of the flesh; not realizing that what's good for the spirit brings life to the body.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work the other way around. Fulfilling the desires of the flesh all too often lead to a dead and listless soul. You read it all the time - celebrities saying their life is not fulfilled even though they have everything a body could ask for.
There is One who can fulfill all of our desires - bringing life to both our souls and our bodies. And, ironically, the best place to find out what His Voice sounds like is in the very place that many have wandered away from Him to. It's in the Bible.
You see... The Bible doesn't just have to be words on a page; It can seed in our hearts, bringing life in a world of death. And, the wonderful thing is, that once you can know His Voice, you discover that He doesn't just dwell in the pages of the Bible; but, you can hear His Voice in everything.
He has written His Truth on our hearts. And, the primary purpose of reading the Bible is to reawaken the voice of our hearts. Once we begin to hear Truth more and more, we can recognize Its Voice in our everyday lives. Life becomes exhilarating once more!
So, when we read the Bible, let's not say, "OK, so it says to 'give to the poor', so I should go out and give money to beggars, or help out at the downtown mission." Instead, let us say, "OK, so it says 'give to the poor', so Lord what does that mean for me?" Then stop. Listen. LISTEN! He will give you the answer - whether it comes as a 'feeling', a thought, an inner voice... whatever.
Then you can walk in obedience. Then you can begin to "be the a Hands and Feet" of God. Then you will be a witness to Christ's Glory to the world.
Friends, don't be a slave to words on a page - or even worse - to words spoken by your pastor/priest. Instead, listen to these words, let them take seed in your heart; then, ask the Lord for revelation (Eph. 1). Then we can live the life we're meant to live - full and alive!