Thursday, February 17, 2005

Salute to Blogs

You know, I realized one thing that keeps me from blogging as often as I'd like is reading other blogs. Actually, I comment so often on other blogs that I forget that I haven't actually written on my own site in a while. So, for those who like to pear into the lives of others, here are some of the blogs that I frequent:

Adventures of an Undercover Nerd

The End of Dating - The beginning of a new life: Finding your mate God's way


God, Hot Wings, and Dr. Pepper

Just Some Thoughts...


Rest In My Cloistered Castle Garden

Most of these are blogs of friends I knew before I entered the World of Blog; but, a few are new friends that I've only met on the pages of our blogs. Lots of fun! I pray that my friends will bless you, as they've surely blessed me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

No TV for a while....

Well, it's official. I won't be watching TV again for quite some time, as the only thing I really like to watch has been canceled. That's right! If you haven't seen the latest headlines, exactly 35 minutes ago, the NHL season has been called off. I was always holding on to hope, especially in the last couple of days when negotiations finally began (for real).
I guess it's time to break down and go watch the Roadrunners in person. Rumor has it that tix are only $10 or $15 - can't really beat the price for Rexal Place entertainment. Plus, I may as well support the company that owns my beloved Oilers - do what I can to keep the team around.

Now, I will hold a moment of silence.................................

Friday, February 11, 2005

Robbie Williams' Angels

I just heard a song that I quite enjoy: Angels by Robbie Williams. It's kind of a lament about how he's lost his faith in the love that a woman can provide. When I was introduced to this song by a friend, it was their aspiration to love like one these Heavenly Hosts.... seems like an impossible goal, doesn't it.
I know quite a few people who seem to have lost hope in actually loving, or being loved. There is quite a lack of love in this world, that sometimes there is little hope of finding Love - we seem to be such an apathetic people. But, I've never been one to conform! :)
The apathy in our lives is the very reason I long to be a person who loves. We all deserve so much more than is evident in this world; and, I believe it is my Life Mission - my Calling, if you will - to awaken and inspire the Love within us. It's been in us all since the beginning - we got that Love when God breathed into Adam... it's the God-part of us, that we all share.
But, for some reason, most of us seem to think it doesn't exist. This belief is what makes many Christians say that we're not part of this world, and that we don't belong with "those others". It's also what makes many people say that they're too bad for God to love. So many of us seem to think that we are intrinsically evil. I don't buy it. Would God create something that's essentially evil, then call it "Very Good"?
"But, that was before 'The Fall'," some would say. But, I counter that with, "We're living after 'The Cross'." As Paul said, if the sin of one man affected us all, how much more would the righteousness of the One redeem all? What was deposited in us to give us Life, is still there. We just need it to be awakened, or 'Born Again', to let that Life strengthen us once again.
As Jesus showed when He walked the earth - and continues to show by His Spirit in us - Love is the way to fullness. He's the only One who can strengthen us to live like my friend aspires to - to Love like Angels. Oh Lord, may it be so!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Love to love

I enjoy trying to love people so much. I really wish I had a greater understanding of how Jesus lives because He is One who truly Loves. Somehow, He knows exactly what we need right at any given moment (I guess being God really helps!), and is able and willing to give exactly that.
One thing I want to learn more is the different ways that people understand Love. According to Gary Chapman, there are 5 Languages by which people understand Love. The language I am most fluent in is "Quality Time", and specifically, deep conversation (take a quick read of my blogsite, and you can easily tell!). I truly enjoy getting deep into topics - I can remember several times having these intense conversations with people, and having them end with the other(s) being burnt-out, and me craving more. I am so thankful that I have more than one person in my life that appreciates getting deeper in things. They help me get stuff out, so that I don't end up overwhelming other people I love being around.
Other "languages" that I am becoming more proficient in are "Physical Touch" and "Affirmation". Actually, I quite naturally speak words of affirmation. I believe so much in the value and inner worth of all of us, that I am always trying to draw out the best in everyone; and, the best way that I've found to do that is to affirm the good things that people reveil about themselves.
"Touch" is a relatively new realization for me. I have long been a person who never really liked the physical touch of another - I wasn't in to holding hands or 'cuddling', which has been a stumbling block for former romantic relationships. However, I am now becoming to appreciate the touch of another; and, in more than just romance. Giving family members a kiss 'hello' or 'good-bye' is a lot easier, as well as hugging close friends.

It's all about getting deeper in relationships. I love the way that the Lord is opening my heart to new ways of loving or appreciating people. As Paul wrote in his first letter to the church in Corinth... Love always looks for the best, it always look to edify. There's such a great feeling that comes from helping someone realize how great they are in Christ - it doesn't matter if they believe in Him or not, He always Loves everyone, and longs to see everyone exalted in Himself.

So, I finally managed to get some time to blog. Praise God! I pray that it causes some deep thought, and enjoyment.


Soooo Busy

I've so wanted to blog for about 2 weeks, but have been so busy. I even started a great blog about how I love to love people; but, my computer froze before I could finish it. Of course, I was typing it in spurts between different jobs I'm doing at work. So, if I would have just taken the 20 minutes to type it all at once, I wouldn't have lost it. Even now, I've had to do a few things between typing!

But, you know... I am not disdainful of my new business. I'm having the time of my life. I think it's because I feel like I'm actually accomplishing things while being busy. One of the worst feelings in the world is having no time, but not doing anything either.
The best part of my being busy, is that I spend time with a varied group of people. I meet with a different group of friends at least 3 times a week - and have even been able to meet a new group of people. It's wonderful!

I'd love to type more, but I've got a lunch meeting in about 5 minutes! Busy, busy, busy! I love it!