Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Opportunity Knocks

So, I've been approached by a company that sets up 7-minute dates for Christians, to start a branch in my home town. It's an interesting proposal, one that I was quite interested in when I first found out about it - though I wasn't interested in being the Frontman, then... more about being a participant.
However, now that I am currently happily involved with a wonderful woman, I'm contemplating the idea of running the show a bit more. Of course, I just don't have the time to get it off the ground now - I'm busy traveling for work 3 weeks/month trying to get another project off the ground! Everything for work is going quite well, which is leading me to think that this next project will be equally successful.
I feel like I'm moving into a time of opportunity. I'm working hard, and doing well with my new promotion at work; I'm buying a house; plus, I'm getting this offer to expand a successful company. Things are looking up! :)
I've also been asked to be a part of a special dance team at my church for the Easter Sunday service. I've been a part of a team a couple of times now, where we will do an interpretive dance to a certain song. I like to consider myself a boogie king, anyway; so, it's nice to be able to minister to others in a way that's quite fun for myself, as well.

I hope that doors continue to open for us all in the future - it's a promise Jesus made 2,000 years ago; and, He continues to answer. "To everyone who knocks, the door will be open."

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Written Inspiration

I've been on the road a lot lately, and have missed reading and writing in the blogworld. But, I've been having a great time reading a couple of good books - have another promising one waiting to be picked up as well! I've noticed that a couple of other friends are being inspired by some good books, too. Reading is quite important, I believe. Remember one of the books I was reading when I first started this blog - Love Is the Killer App? It says a lot of how important reading is.
I think reading different books - even different styles of books - helps to awaken the inner self in a way that other media, and ways of interacting with people, just can't. I think that's why the Christian Faith puts so much emphasis on reading the Bible. When we can tap into God's Voice in the Written Word, it pierces us in tremendous ways. The writer of Hebrews says, "God's Word is sharper than any two-edged sword that pierces and cuts asunder..."

I don't want to detract from the Strength and Weight of the Bible, but I know that God will speak to us in everything; so, I want to encourage everyone to pick up a book - something that appeals to you in any way (intellect, emotion, imagination...) - and seek God out. If you seek, you will find - He promises that.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The excitement of life

I can hardly believe how busy I've been. A promo at work, a new love in my life, and many great and wonderful people in my life - and I'm lovin' it! (mmmmm.... Big Mac!) Of course, I could may well be looking back at this post a month or two down the road thinking to myself, "What were you thinking?!! This intensity is insane!"
But, seriously, I am quite enjoying the challenges of life right now. There are several things on the horizon that I am scared about - new things at work, building a relationship... I don't know what it's going to look like, I don't know how to do them! But, I do know that I'm on the Right path. I am not so afraid as to stop, and not move forward. I know full well that there is Someone who walks beside me and holds my hand. He's always there to whisper His encouragements whenever I'm willing to listen. And, each day, I hear Him say, "You're doing good, J."
There is so much to be said about the inner empowerment that comes from knowing God, and being known by Him. Jesus is always inviting us to share ourselves with Him. Sure, God knows everything about us, even more than we do; but, there's an intimacy that's lost if we never offer ourselves. I've learned that telling Him about the things I think, the things I love, the things I don't like - that just sharing myself with Him as I'd share myself with a loved one - is really where Life with Christ begins.

It's the same with any serious relationship - we must share ourselves in order to cultivate intimacy. God is not some far-off being that's just looking to punish us for our sins. No! He's closer than our next breath, and His love for us is all consuming. He will take the worst hell, and reveal all of heaven if we'll let Him. But, oh, how bitterness, anger and other 'hurts' cloud our eyes from seeing His Glory, and stop our ears from hearing His Voice.
So often, I would rather trade being happy for being 'right'; for, that's often what keeps us from Him... from knowing His Love. It's OK, even good, not to be 'right' all the time - you won't believe how much freedom there is in that thought. And, that leaves us with so much more room to learn.

Be blessed, and be stretched. Grow.