Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What does God really want?

I had the most amazing compliment the other day. Somebody called me a "good Christian". The context was comparing myself to other people they knew in a few different churches, where this person had been hurt and, from their point of view, shunned.
I was blown away!

The reason I was so surprised was that I don't really see myself as a "good Christian" - and I highly doubt my church-friends would call me one. I generally don't follow the "rules" and live my life pretty much the way I want. Oh, I pray and worship, and interact with God; but, I also drink and listen to secular music for the most part.
I am not the one who'll tell someone they're going to Hell unless they "accept Jesus". I will not tell you that how you live your life is wrong. The more that I live; the more people I meet; and, the more time I meditate on what it means to Live Life, the more I am convinced that God is not intent on seeing those that do not "follow" Him suffer.

I've heard a man say many times that God is bringing humanity through the least amount of suffering to bring about the deepest connection to Himself without violating 'free will'. In short, everything that happens is designed to bring our relationship with God to a deeper level.... EVERYTHING.
If that weren't so, the either God would not be sovereign, or He wouldn't be loving.

Anyway, back to the topic I started originally....

Someone out there sees Christ in me in a way they don't see Him in other Christians. I ask myself why....
I think it's because I generally accept people for who they are. When I meat them, or talk about faith, my goal is not to get them to change so that God will like them more; nor, is it to convince them that Christianity is the "be all and end all". If anything, I would hope to encourage anyone to meet Jesus - He's such a great guy!
When I follow His story through the Gospels, I do not see a man who wants or needs people to change. Instead, I see a Man accepting of all who need love - He loves everyone who's looking for Love! That's what I see.

So, what does God really want? I believe He is leading us on the ultimate journey for Love. But, how often to we find something other than Love to plant our flag in? Every mission seems so noble at first; if only we'd carry on instead of setting up camp and building a society of religion. In my opinion, religion is not Love.

Thank you so much for the compliment. It is truly humbling. I hope and pray that I can show Christ to many as I've somehow been able to show Him to you.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Playing it Safe

So, this morning as I'm in the shower, I start singing Jon Bon Jovi's Midnight In Chelsea; there's a part of the chorus that goes:
No one pins their dreams on me
No one's lookin at me to be...
I'm the man I wanna be, the man I wanna be
Midnight in Chelsea
I'm singing this song, and I get this little witness saying, "Yeah, you are the man you want to be; but, are you the man I want you to be?"
In a split second I have a barrage of thoughts that basically boil down to the point that I'm playing it safe with my life.
Each of us has a specific Calling on our lives. And, most of us spend our entire lives running from that Calling because we're afraid that it means we'll have to give up our freedom, or we'll have to do something we don't want to do. Or.... that we'll end up alone. That's why I run from it. I lived the Life I was meant to for a while. It left me quite lonely because I knew so few who were willing to Live - most just wanted to survive. "Just let me live out what I know - I want security," is what we say to the ones who call us to Live.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "Anyone who is willing to give up one ounce of freedom for security, doesn't deserve either." I agree. And, I am guilty for giving up freedom.
You see, living the Life we're meant to - that we're Called to - is living in the utmost freedom. If we deny the Life, then we enslave ourselves to mediocrity. Mediocrity has become the god of this generation. I'm not talking about technology or financial success - I think our generation are perfectionists in those areas. But, where we've bowed down to mediocrity is in our spiritual lives, in our morals. We've lost touch with what is True, and have settled for ideas that appeal to our spiritual and moral mediocrity.
It's easy to play it safe.... at first. But, once I realized what I've been doing these past couple years, I've become increasingly disgusted with my life.
"Well, why don't you change it?" you are probably asking. It comes down to being alone. However, now I know some people who are Living - or at least longing to Live. It's so bizarre; I am actually becoming more alone, the longer I stay where I'm at. It'd be much better for me - and probably for everyone else - if I just let go of the crap I'm holding on to that is keeping me from Life; and, just go for broke.
God promises to catch us if we fall running to Him. He's there to Love us, to Grow us up into His very likeness. "Playing it safe" - settling for comfort and 'security, instead of Living the Life we're Called to - is not safe at all. No, going full tilt for Life is the only secure place. Everything else is like shifting sand - you just can't stand on it.
Paul exhorted the Galatians not to focus on circumstances - whether good or bad - for, they always change. Instead, he encouraged them to focus on the Eternal Truths of Christ; for, in Him alone is lasting and permanent security.
Let's hold back, no longer, friends. Let's Live!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm Bloggin' Free!

I have found out over the last week or so that there are a lot more people I know that read my blog than I originally thought. Sometimes, when I think about that I start getting 'censored' thoughts: "...can't let too many people in."

But, Blog it!

Do you remember the Smurfs? Those little blue things that would have a Smurfin' good time where ever they went. They'd just Smurf around, doing nothing; getting chased by that Smurfin' wizard Gargamell. I loved how every time they wanted to cuss, they just substituted the word "Smurf". Yep - they were smart little Smurfs. Gettin' away with cussing on Saturday Smurfin' morning!

Anyway, since this is a blog, I'm going to use that word instead!

Aw... fuck it! That's just stupid.

So, I am now unemployed. I left work in class - I think I broke a 11 year sales record today. I can now afford to sit on my ass for a couple months, enjoying my new freedom of self-employment. Actually, I doubt I'll just sit. I have much to do. I think I've mentioned only a few times that I enjoy keeping fish. I have a fishroom to finish! I have a bigass tank to set up! Oh, I'm going to enjoy the next few weeks, that's for sure!


Bloggin Free...

Are any of us really free? I've been pondering on a number of blogs written by people at The Canopy. I, and I think we all are to at least some degree, am a slave to poor thought-choices. There were 2 years in recent memory that I would say I was mentally healthy - I had conscious control of my thoughts. When a lie would try to surface, or some thought other than what leads to life came up, I'd stop it right where it started.
But, how many of us do that. I'll be that out of all of the people who read this, there may be one who does consciously control their thoughts. Most of us are slaves to random thoughts that keep us bound. We become what we think about, right? If we have thoughts of malice, jealousy and slander, guess what? We become malicious, jealous gossipers. Now, before you point your finger and say, "Maybe you, but not me," let your conscience judge you. Be honest.

I'm hoping that during this time of freedom, I'll be able to gain peace of mind again. I hope to have the discipline to gain control once again. I want to be that kind of influence once more.

Friday, September 08, 2006


The kitchen's on fire!
The cat's stuck in a tree!
The baby's crying!
The phone is ringing!

I need this week to be over!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

LIfe Vicarious

I've been blogging vicariously through others' sites the last couple of days - most of which are linked at the sidebar.

With all of this carrier change that's happening, I really feel God saying that as important as this move is, it's not the heart of the matter. Oh, "the heart of the matter." I think I have a post about a song of that name, somewhere back there - probably 14 months or so ago.

We live in such a shallow life....

I don't really want to type anymore.