Saturday, December 24, 2005

It's Me!

Lately, I've been thinking of changing a few things up, about myself. Well, this afternoon, I took the plunge!

Most people who know me have never seen me like this.

"I've seen you without a beard!" Sure, you have... but wait... there's something else...

That's right! For the first time in over 10 years I have shaved off my sideburns!

What do ya think? I like it!

Merry Christmas!

Well, holy crap, has it every been a long time since I've written anything here!! I told my friend, Under-cover Nerd, that I really have been blogging, just not on my own site! I've also spent a fair amount of time searching for other notable blogs - that little "Next Blog" button at the top can lead you to many a wonderful (or not so wonderful) place!

It's the day before Christmas.... Where has the year gone!! Sometimes I think it's the industry I work in, and sometimes I think it's because of how busy my evenings are; but, I just have a hard time believing that 2005 is pretty much finished. I long for those days when I was in school and summer was a full 4 months! Or, when I had a good few weeks off in December. I've been thinking a bit lately, about changing fields that I work in. I've been thinking of moving toward a more corporate environment, something a bit more stable.
On one hand that seems smart; but, on the other hand, I can't believe I'm saying that. I believe 100% in the statement that I think Lincoln made once: "A man who gives up any bit of freedom for security, doesn't deserve either."
I'm not saying that I want to sell out for something better. I would like a job that makes more money, and allows for a bit more time off, so that I can spend a bit more time with my wife, friends and family.
What I really need is to be inspired with a new business of my own. Something that I can work at, that will pay the bills, pay off the debt, and that will allow me to set my own hours. I'd prefer something at home, too - that way I can work when everyone's asleep, or take a break and spend time with my wife (or, if she's out, with my fish!). This is where my heart takes me when I dream of "the perfect life".
I'm not opposed to work, at all. I just prefer to work smarter, instead of just harder.

Something that touches me, every time I read it, is the email (there are so many of them) where someone does something special for that person who's in need. The last one I read was about a Mall Santa who went to visit a little girl with leukemia, who wasn't expected to make it through the holidays. His selfless act gave the girl the courage she needed to pull through, and make the recovery she needed to go visit him in the mall the next year.
My friends, this, I believe, is what we are created for. To go beyond ourselves and change - even save - others' lives. I know that, so often, it seems that what we can do won't really matter - it seems too small in our own view (reminds me of a bunch who wouldn't go make history in what would have been the greatest war victory of time because they thought they looked too small in comparison to their enemy - it cost them their Promised Land, and their lives). However, I can tell you that even the smallest things can do a lot!
I have a friend who has been lonely and alienated for a long time. She was recently admitted to a detox centre, and was so blessed when I came to visit her a couple of times. So many times I thought to myself that I could do so much more. But, I began to realize that I wasn't called to do more - I was called to be there and be her friend. She's told me many times that it helped her so much... it really helped her carry it through. Praise God.

We're all here to make our mark in this world. I want to encourage everyone who reads this to do something - even something small - for someone else. Do it today, do it tomorrow. I'm sure it will not only make a difference in those people's lives; but, it will also begin to make a world of difference in your own... it could be your own soul that you save.

Blessings, and Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Having Fun

So, I got a little bored with all of the template suggestions... Hope you like the little subtleties.